😨❤️021: NOT FEELING SO GOOD...❤️😨

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(So, just to say, this story has 28 chapters at most.)

"What? What's wrong? You look unwell..." Xiao Zhan said with a smirk.

"Sean...don't touch what is mine." Zhuocheng said with a dark glare.

"Yet...you touched many that was mine, you hurt many, and i dont get to hurt you back? Dont make me laugh." Xiao Zhan then walked over and shoved Zhuocheng.

"..if you touch Haikuan, you will pay....this is your final warning, Sean Xiao." zhuocheng said.

"Im leaving now." Xiao Zhan said still smug, smirking.

- WANG HUĀ MANSION - (wang yibo private mansion)

Yibo was going crazy without xiao zhan here, he wasnt eating, he rarely slept, and he always drank, drank nonstop.

His assistants tried to stop him but they quickly learned that if anyone got near yibo during one of his "episodes" he would attack them badly.

"I need him...i'm...nothing...without him.." Yibo said, as much as it ripped his ego up to say, he forced himself to say it because as of right now he knew it was true.

He NEEDED Sean Xiao Zhan.

And he was going to do whatever it took to get him back.


Xiao zhan was currently bathing, he lie in the bathtub, zoned out, for some reason he felt very very tired and moody.

"Hmn..." he groaned a bit as he felt his stomach hurt, he must have ate something too crazy or weird food combo again.

"I'll get that checked out later." Xiao zhan said with a sigh, getting out the bathtub and drying himself and his hair, he was covering his body with a towel.

Haikuan knocked on the door.

"Xiao Zhan, yibo wants to speak to you urgently, he sounds desperate..." haikuan said with wary in his tone.

'Do i care if that man sounds desperate? He is pathetic...cant stand one day without me.' Xiao Zhan thought to himself, he rolled his eyes.

"Don't let him in, i don't care to talk to him." Xiao Zhan said carelessly as he dressed, about to exit the bathroom, when he started to feel heavily nauseated and then he began to gag profusely.

As if he was about to vomit, but he didn't vomit.

'Ohmm...what was that?' He thought.

"... if you insist." Haikuan said, leaving the door.

Xiao zhan opened the door and walked to his bed, plopping down on it, it felt unusually too comfy today, he felt so fatigued.

'What is wrong with me?!' Xiao Zhan whined in his inner dialogue.

He called a nurse to come and check him and the nurse almost immediately fainted.

"Ahm...M-Mrs.Wa- i mean Young Master Sean, you are carrying a baby inside you." The nurse said with her head down..

Zhan burst into laugher, he couldn't hold back the tears of laughter that accompanied it.

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