💍💔006: ANYONE BUT HIM..💔💍

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(This chapter is 3k long ❤️)

*Xiao Zhan, was now thinking back, to the entire argument, that happened between him and Yibo, earlier. He couldn't help but think, that the whole argument, could've easily been avoided, if they had handled it correctly, instead of just blowing it all, out of porportion.. And he started to regret, the way he behaved, towards Yibo, and that he had even caused the whole argument, to happen, like this..right after yibo was in an accident.*

*Xiao Zhan's feelings of anger, began, to turn to feelings, of guilt and regret.. He now started to feel like, he could've done, a lot better, in that moment, as they argued.. And he started to think, about what he could do, to apologize to yibo.. As he kept thinking about this, he couldn't help, but to feel very guilty, about the entire thing..*

*As more time went on, and his thoughts continued, he began to miss Yibo, and the guilty feelings, that he was feeling, got stronger and stronger.. He then started to recall, all the good times, that he had with Yibo, and with that his feelings of regret and guilty feeling, got even stronger.. The guilt also started to make him feel very unhappy.*

*Then suddenly, Ma'am Carman lee Called Xiao zhan to ask him to come over, she rarely asked, he usually just came, but this was new.*

*Xiao Zhan, quickly picked up his phone, as he saw the name, Carman lee, pop up..He wondered, why she called, when she usually never called..? He then clicked on the call, and then he picked it up, and heard Carman lee, on the other side..*

Carman lee: "Hello? Zhanie! I need to have a very serious discussion with you, Is it any trouble to stop by? Yibo is home too." *She says, With a cheery tone, She does not know about the argument.*

*Xiao Zhan started to immediately recall, the whole thing, that happened earlier, as he quickly said,*

"Ok, Sure, i'm on my way, just give me 5 minutes."

*Xiao zhan, then hung up the call, as he then quickly ran off, to take a shower, and quickly changed his clothes, and got into, his favorite outfit, which was the "I love Icecream" hoodie, he grabbed a small bag, that was nearby, and quickly ran out, to go to Carman lee's house.*

*As Xiao Zhan arrived at Carman lee's house, he could immediately hear the voices, of his friends talking, and he quickly ran to the front door, and opened it, and walked into the kitchen..As he walked into the kitchen, his mood immediately changed, as he saw all the happy and cheerful people, chatting and eating food.*

*His parents were there, So were his siblings, and the Wang Siblings.*

*Just as Xiao Zhan, was about to turn around, to get out of the kitchen, his parents and siblings, all spotted him, and yelled his name, at the exact same time..*

*The sudden sound of his name, yelling from all directions, gave him a huge startle, and he stopped moving for a split second, then quickly waved and said his hello back, as he then, looked at his parents, and his relatives, with a smile on his face, and then looked around, for Yibo...*

*Xiao Zhan, stood there, smiling brightly, yet nervously at his family, but as he looked around the kitchen, and tried to find Yibo, he couldn't see him.. And he was also feeling a little puzzled, about, why everyone, was gathered in the kitchen, and so he decided to look, in other places, as well.. He then looked around the whole house for a few seconds, yet he still, couldn't find him...*

*Then, Carman lee, suddenly grabbed him by the hand, and started to drag him, towards a room.. Xiao Zhan was surprised, and couldn't help, but to look back, to see the whole family, watching and calling his name, while Carman lee, dragged him, to a different room, which seemed like a private room. The door, was quickly shut behind her, and Carman lee, turned to Xiao Zhan, and smiled, brightly, and then spoke, her tone seemed innocent..*

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