The Greatest Fear Of All

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Were all on dragons, the elemental masters dragons (apart from me, Skylor, Dareth, Nya and Garmadon because me, Dareth and Garmadon aren't elemental masters, Nya doesn't know she is one and Skylor is a Anacondrai). I was behind Lloyd on his dragon with my bow in my hand. Skylor was behind Kai and Garmadon was on Cole's dragon. Nya was on Jay's dragon and Dareth was on Zane's dragon.

"Chen  and his Anacondrai Army have a day's start on us. Be prepared for anything and everything." Lloyd told us. I nodded and used my bow to scan the ocean.

"How did we lose so much time?" Kai asked.

"You know, you took an oath never to leave a man behind." Dareth reminded him.

"And we're not all quick learners. Mastering your fear to create Power Dragons takes time." Jay added.

"But what happened to master of sound then?" I asked. I could feel a silence come along the crowd.

"We forgot him" Lloyd realized.

"I'll get him" Master of Speed offered. He got off his dragon and ran across the water with his speed. A few seconds later he came back with Master of sound. Master of Speed then activated his dragon again and put Master of sound on.

"I thought you guys forgot about me" Jacob said.

"Nah, I remembered you" I told him.

After a minute Ninjago came in the distance.

"We're running out of that. There's Ninjago City. Hurry." Nya hurried.

"Hurry's my middle name. Hyah!" Griffin added.

"Remember, whatever happens down there, we're stronger united. We fight as one." Lloyd instructed.

"Let's do this!" Jay shouted.

"Woohoo!" I cheered. Kai lands and a women sees Skylor.

"SERPENTINE!" The women shouted. Everyone screams and runs away. I put my bow away as we wouldn't need it now.

"I wish I still had the power to change." Skylor said sadly.

"You have changed. You're with us now." Kai replied.

"Yeah!" I agreed. An old women honks her horn at us dragons.

"Could you be a dear and move your Dragon? Thank you, young man." The old women said.

"If we're the first ones they've seen, where's Chen and why hasn't he attacked?" Sensei Garmadon asked.

"We have to get you and my father off the streets before we alarm everyone. Everyone else, stick together and watch over the people." Lloyd told Skylor and Garmadon. I notice Skylor's hand is going back to normal.

"Hey Skylor look, your hand" I say. 

"The spell is wearing off" She realized. 

"We've got to go either way." Lloyd added.

The ninja, myself, Skylor and Sensei Garmadon enter the Samurai X Cave. The falcon screeches and landed on Zane's arm. Whoa, I've always wanted to be in here.

"And hello to you, my old friend." Zane said.

"Ah. You're all back. Zane, look at you. You're all...shiny." Wu greeted.

"But where's your father?" Misako asked Lloyd.

"It's me, Misako." Garmadon told her making her gasp.

"Don't worry. We have a reason to believe the spell may be wearing off." Skylor added.

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