Wasted true potential

450 14 357

Intro is so boring and keeps changing so I wont do it this season -_-


Scar: 18 but 16 mentally

Lloyd: 19 physically but about 13 mentally

Cole: 22 and 10 months

Jay: 21

Nya: 20

Zane: 40-50 but looks 18

Kai: 22 (recent)



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Warnings: Swearing, Fourth Wall breaks, tiny hints at Scar x Lloyd and some people included in a Fourth Wall break

*Scar POV*

I did end up relaxing for the first couple weeks after season 10. After all, how couldn't I? However, unlike the other lazy asses, I ended up training again. 

I helped Pixal instal the base under the monastery and made dinner most nights as well. I still played some video games and stuff, but I continued to prepare. I could finally use my dragon after a lot of practice, but the other ninja didn't really know because they were too busy lying around. I wasn't going to go soft like them -_-.

I knew the season had started when Cole was about to beat Zane's high score on Lava Zombies...

I was sitting on the edge/ side thingy of the couch, next to Lloyd. I used my phone to record Cole winning the game so I could show Jay later.

"Get the guy on the left!" Lloyd instructed. Cole complied and smashed the zombie on the left, then the right. 

"Cole, you're on fiyah!" Kai cheered. Cole smashed the last zombie, and the game finished.

"Oh, you did it!" Nya yelled.



"Yeah! High score!"

"That was awesome!"

"Woohoo! Lava Zombie King!" Cole exclaimed.

"That was actually really impressive" I commented. 

"Alright, Cole!" Lloyd added. The other ninja continued cheering and I turned my head to see Jay and Zane walk in.

"Aw man, we missed it!" Jay complained. I showed him that I recorded it on my phone and his smile returned.

"Congratulations, Cole. That is quite an achievement." Zane congratulated.

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