Scar/ Charlotte was just a normal girl TRYING TO WATCH HER NINJAGO. When suddenly she was sucked into Ninjago? Now Scar has to finish all the seasons to get back to her home on earth, and save the Ninja. But is her home really on Earth, and what cha...
The screen travels past a boat, where Lloyd and Scar are on with some other ninja. It ventures through the city showing the ninja and Pixal in different places.
Someone is shown riding a motorcycle.
It finishes off with Lloyd running, with Scar behind, holding onto his arm. They are on some equipment and look off at the sky to see a blackness that looks like Lord Garmadon.
(Ages I have given them)
Scar: 18 in a month physically but 15-16 mentally
Lloyd: 18 physically but about 12 mentally
Cole: 22
Jay: 20
Nya: 18-19
Zane: 40-50 but looks 18
Kai: 21
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Warnings: Swearing, being mad at the ninja and Scar x Skylor (as friends lol)
*Scar POV*
We ended up sleeping at Mystaké's place and headed off the next morning. Mystaké gave me some more medicine in the form of tea, some supplies, food, and a map
All we had to do is go meet the ninja at the Mask of Hatred.
We had a couple days, but the trip was going to be long.
Throughout the course of the first day, I explained to her the story of the Oni and the Dragon.
"So Lloyds the grandson of the First Spinjitzu Master?"
"Pretty much"
As we reached the night of the first day, me and Skylor set up a tent. We rested, ate some noodles and fell asleep. Skylor was obviously tired from the trip, and I felt bad. She was carrying me and herself on her dragon for an entire day.
This pattern continued for another day or two and I continued to explain a bit more. Skylor questioned how I knew everything. I had sighed and gave her a basic story of how I wasn't from this realm. I added how I had heard the story before in my realm and some other things, but nothing major. Skylor promised not to tell anyone. We left it at that....
Finally, we had reached the forest, and I could feel us nearing the masks.
"Hey Scar! Look!" Skylor exclaimed. I looked at what she was pointing at and saw Lloyd being held by Killow on the Bounty.
"We can't help him yet, trust me. We need to save the others like Kai" I informed, adding the Kai for her. We flew past the Bounty and Lloyd's eyes turned to me. If his jaw could hit the ground, it would.
"I ain't dead yet Lloyd" I teased.
Skylor flew towards the ground, and I saw a massive crab near the ninja.
"Scarrrrrr" Baby Wu yelled with a grin.
"Wait is that-" Kai began, looking up at me and Skylor.
"Oh yes that is" Jay replied. I jumped off and Skylor followed behind. We landed between the ninja and Scar.
"Scar! Don't get near that thing!" Nya yelled.
"It's fine" I told her. I came near Craby.
"Hey, hey! It's fine. We don't mean to hurt you. We just need a ride" I explained. The Crab calmed down a bit and seemed more relaxed.
"What is she doing?" Cole whispered behind me.
"Well Master Wu did always say 'the best way to defeat your enemy is too make them your friend'" Zane quoted.
The crab calmed down and I put my hand out for him to smell. He relaxed instantly and I climbed on its back.
"Come on guys! We have a commissioner to talk too" I encouraged.
As soon as we had taken off on the Crab, Skylor looked at everyone pissed. Oh... I forgot that they....
"Mind explaining to me why you left Scar for dead. She barely survived the incident and by a miracle was able to get to my Restaurant" Skylor informed. Kai rubbed his neck, Jay nervously chuckled, Nya contemplated what to say and Cole coughed.
I wanted to cry, scream, yell and curse at them for leaving me. They barely knew Harumi and chose her over me. And now they couldn't even meet my eyes. I wished they would apologise for everything, but that never came true. Whores.
"We didn't think you survived" Zane told me and Skylor bluntly. I swear-
"Yeah! I almost didn't because you guys didn't help me. I was literally bleeding out from my chest and just barely got out of the palace alive" I explained.
"Not to mention if you had just looked outside the palace for one second instead of gushing over the princess you would have easily seen me. Didn't know a princess you barely knew was more important than a teammate that had helped saved hundreds of people and known you for almost 3 years." I added bitterly. Everyone other then Skylor avoided my eyes. That felt good to get off my chest.
I turned around and focused on where we were going. Skylor got up and sat beside me.
She smiled at me which made me feel better.
I was thankful that she was one of my best friends in Ninjago.