A line in the sand

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Everyone is frozen in mid air, fighting the Time Twins.

Screen zooms in on Wu who is in a fighting stance mid air and his name appears

The screen moves out and starting playing a clock ticking noise

Screen moves in on Cole this time who has a scythe and his name appears

Screen moves onto Lloyd who has his two swords and his name is shown

Next the screen shows Scar who is beside Lloyd. She has her bow aimed at the Time Brothers and a smirk on her face. Her name appears

Next you see Jay who has lightning coming out his hand and nunchucks in the other, his name appears

Screen moves onto Zane who has his ice stars and his name is shown

Lastly you see Kai and Nya. Nya has her water out and a sword and Kai is in front a bit but beside her with fire in his hand.

Screen moves out showing the whole group.

Ages that I have given them. I put a bit of a change around and age up because I realized I had too a while back, looking how long Scar was in Ninjago. (Might not be their real ages but my interpretation)

Scar: 17 in a couple months physically but 14-15 mentally

Lloyd: 17 physically but about 11 mentally

Cole: 21

Jay: 19

Nya: 17

Zane: 40-50 but looks 18

Kai: 20


Warnings:  Swearing, Author POV, mentions of being injured, cringe, prob spelling mistakes

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Warnings:  Swearing, Author POV, mentions of being injured, cringe, prob spelling mistakes

*Lloyds POV*

"Hang on, has anyone seen Scar or Jay?" I ask, climbing up a statue at the amusement park.

"No. Now that you mention it, they weren't with us when we arrived." Kai realised.

"You know, just once, it would be nice to go into battle with a full team." Cole complained beside me.

"Well don't tell us, tell Jay and Scar! They're the ones who took off for wherever without saying a word to us" Kai said.

"I'm sure they has a good reason." Nya replied.

"Well I'm glad you're sure." Kai commented. I narrowed my eyes, where are you Scar?

*Scar POV*

Me and Jay head towards his parents junkyard. I saw the Vermilion warriors up ahead and point to them.

"Is that they junkyard? I see the warriors with your parents" I informed. Jay gritted his teeth.

"Oh these-" Jay began. Jay stopped the bike in his parents Junkyard and got off quickly, me following behind a bit slower with my crutches

HOW TF AM I IN NINJAGO/ Ninjago x OCWhere stories live. Discover now