My dinner with Nadakhan

411 14 32

*Theme song plays*

Wu and Misako are together on a flying thing.

Kai speeds past them using Airjitzu and pauses doing a kick. His name appeared.

The camera fly's through some clouds to show Cole and Zane. Zane is using his ice and Cole is doing Airjitzu. Their names appear.

The camera goes through more clouds to reveal Scar behind Lloyd on his dragon. They pause and their name's appear.

The camera goes through more clouds to show Jay on his dragon and Nya next to him, using her water to fly. They pause and their names appear.

The camera goes through even more clouds to show Nadakhan. He poofs away.

The screen shows the name of the episode.

Ages that I have given them (Might not be their real ages but my interpretation)

Scar: 16 physically but 13 mentally

Lloyd: 16 physically but about 10-13 mentally

Cole: 19

Jay: 17

Nya: 16-17

Zane: 40-50 but looks 18

Kai: 18



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I look over to the water to sea Lloyd on his dragon, coming back after flying over the Endless Sea. He looks exhausted and falls onto the sand just a few meters above it. I catch him and lay him down.

"You okay?" I asked. 

"Did you see any land?" Cole added. I glared at him. Lloyd was exhausted and that's the first thing he asked?

"Just water. I tried to reach the mainland, but it's too far. We won't be able to get off this island  on our own." Lloyd replied. I pulled him back onto his feet. Cole then randomly laughed.

"What's so funny about our predicament?" Nya asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, I was just thinking about what Jay might say to that." Cole replied.

"You mean like this? "You're telling me we went through all that trouble to get the venom to stop Nadakhan, and now we have no way to get off this island!?"" I imitated, pretending to be Jay.

 "Yeah... Heh, gone one day and I already miss him spazzing out." Cole said.

"Me too. After he lied to us, I was so hard on him. And now he's captured and all alone. Some friends we are." Nya realized.

"No shit, at least I wasn't cruel." I muttered before going back to my normal voice.

"Hey, Jay's strong. We'll get him back. It's like what my sensei once told me, if you want something bad enough, you find a way to make it happen." I comforted.

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