The Darkness comes.....

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The intro started going through past events. Scar was in a couple.

The season 4 one included Scar appearing in her orginal outfit.

Scar was also in season 6, where she winked.

Season 8 showed Scar passed out.

The season 9 one includes Scar having purple magic in her hands, with matching purple hair and eyes.

(Ages I have given them)

Scar: 18 but 16 mentally

Lloyd: 19 physically but about 13 mentally 

Cole: 22

Jay: 21 

Nya: 20 

Zane: 40-50 but looks 18

Kai: 22 (recent)



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(This is set about 4 months after season 9, 3 months after her birthday)

Warnings: swearing, Garmadon shipping Scoyd, Scar x Lloyd, Adrien Agreste disease and cringe.

*Scar POV*

Me and Lloyd were with Noble, going to see Garmadon, Lloyd's father. We were at Kryptarium Prison. He looked slightly nervous and I smiled at him for encouragement. He returned the gesture, but still looked on edge.

"This is our new maximum-security wing. We spared no expense, I assure you." Noble informed.

"Very wise." Lloyd noted. I nodded along.

"Yep." He used his eye to open the door.

"The entire wing was built for one purpose... to hold the rottenest egg of all. Well... good luck." Noble said before running off "See you on the way out".

"Aren't you gonna—" Lloyd began before the door slammed shut and lasers activate.  

"Stay?" He continued. 

"Nope, he fears your father too damn much" I told him with a slight laugh.

"I don't blame him" Lloyd muttered. I pulled a switch on the wall, and a pathway zoomed out in front towards Garmadon's cell. It was like a little glass dome. SUCKAAAAA.

"Hmm. Hello, Father." Lloyd introduced.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Green Ninja, and his purple assassin girlfriend. To what, do I owe the honour?" Garmadon questioned. I wish I had a mask with this outfit to hide my flushed cheeks. Was it that obvious I liked him. Sadly, I forgot my mask the last time I visited Sensei Len.

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