Grabbing the characters

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So first

We need these characters to realize what the actual fuck is going on.

Cause, although Scar might understand whats happening, the others wouldn't.

So Ima just get them all here.


*Scar POV*

"I-I.... I was able too...... I could ....never mind" I mutter. He doesn't understand where I'm from and how big this is.

"Well, I'm here for you" Lloyd told me.

"Yeah... thanks" I smiled at him "I'll tell you later. But we have to get it back, Lloyd. Before it's too-".

I was cut off by the sound of a snap. It felt as if I had just blinked and landed up in a completely different place. BECAUSE I FUCKING HAD.

"Uh..." I heard Lloyd mumble from beside me. I looked over at him, standing beside me in a completely clean and fixed Gi. My outfit also looked neat and tidy, like I had just bought it. 

A/N: reminder of outfit

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A/N: reminder of outfit

"WHAT THE-" I heard someone else yell. Who- HOLY SHIT. Standing nearby was Jay, Cole, Kai, Zane, Nya, Sensei Len, Wu, Nelson, Misakabitch, the lightning chicken, a few other friends, and a couple random girls. 

How in th- wait a minute. I squinted my eyes, trying to see if my suspicion was correct. I saw one girl, that clearly stood out from all my friends (and Misakabitch), or the other random people.

She was wearing a purple shirt, black cargo jeans and converse. She had brown eyes and hair, with purple and red tips. The girl wore a necklace, two letters engraved on it.

"SL?!" I exclaimed.

SL smiled at me sweetly.

"Hello Scar" she replied. Lloyd put a hand up to whisper something into my ear.

"Uh... who is SL? And how does she know you?" Lloyd questioned. SL answered before I could get the words out of my mouth. Show off.

"I'm SL, otherwise known as Scarlove608. I created Scar. Well wrote. Long story, but the jist is, this is my book, I write events with Scar, adding her too the plot, and people read my book. I basically have the power to do whatever I want. Oh, and I know all, I can even read minds" SL explained.

*SL just quickly gets them to understand this and calm the exotestal crisis*

"So... Scar knew... about you... this entire time" Lloyd mumbled.

"Well yes..." I replied nervously.

"I knew about her too, so did Nelson" Sensei Len offered. Nelson nodded.

"And you never told us about this... why?" Kai asked.

"Eh, long story." I dismissed. 

"But anyway, why did you bring us here, SL? Clearly it's for a reason, otherwise you wouldn't bring a bunch of the main characters here" I questioned.

"Welllll we hit 30k reads and 7k comments so we have a couple of specials. 

1. A truth or dare thing where yall will answer questions or do dares. Majority I will just grab you alone for, while others, will be with everyone or certain people.

2. Nelson, you will meet the 'Kill SL' group..." SL began to explain.

"The what?" Nelson asked, tilting his head with a confused look.

"It's those people over there" SL explained, pointing over to the group off random people. They smiled at me.

"My crew" I mumbled happily, getting a couple weird looks

"Two other things that don't contribute to you, except Scar and Lloyd, but they won't be part of it. 

And 5th, lastly, some just random questions that you'll be asked individually in the comments.

After everything, I will erase your memories of this, including Scar, Len and Nelson, and bring you back to whatever you were doing" SL finally finished.

"That's a lot" Jay commented.

"It's not too bad" SL replied.

"So, what? When are we doing all this? Now?" I questioned.

"In the next chapter, with the truth or dares. I have to give the readers something in the meantime. Now everyone, say bye and thank you for now in sync" SL instructed.

"And what if we don't?" Misakabitch asked. SL grinned before snapping her fingers. Misakabitch lost her FUCKING ARM.

"Then that'll happen" SL replied with an innocent smile. She snapped her fingers again and the arm returned.

"Now 3,2,1...."

"BYE AND THANK YOU FOR NOW" Everyone yelled in desperation

"Good, now BYEEEEE"


Uneditted btw

See yall soon

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