A time of traitors

303 14 21

Everyone is frozen in mid air, fighting the Time Twins.

Screen zooms in on Wu who is in a fighting stance mid air and his name appears

The screen moves out and starting playing a clock ticking noise

Screen moves in on Cole this time who has a scythe and his name appears

Screen moves onto Lloyd who has his two swords and his name is shown

Next the screen shows Scar who is beside Lloyd. She has her bow aimed at the Time Brothers and a smirk on her face. Her name appears

Next you see Jay who has lightning coming out his hand and nunchucks in the other, his name appears

Screen moves onto Zane who has his ice stars and his name is shown

Lastly you see Kai and Nya. Nya has her water out and a sword and Kai is in front a bit but beside her with fire in his hand.

Screen moves out showing the whole group.

Ages that I have given them. I put a bit of a change around and age up because I realized I had too a while back, looking how long Scar was in Ninjago. (Might not be their real ages but my interpretation)

Scar: 17 in a couple months physically but 14-15 mentally

Lloyd: 17 physically but about 11-14 mentally

Cole: 21

Jay: 19

Nya: 17

Zane: 40-50 but looks 18

Kai: 20

Outfit (Personally I luvvvv it)

A/N: I'll be doing warning from now on BTW

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A/N: I'll be doing warning from now on BTW

Warings: Fourth Wall Breakers, swearing, Lloyd x Scar

I narrowed my eyes as I looked around my room, I was on bed rest. I sighed over dramatically, I might hate this season but this would suck. At least I could distract myself by talking to the Author.

*Author POV*

I should have expected this after I made her sprain her ankle *sigh*. I sighed before typing something in reply

Author: It's not my fault I'm sick, and bored and decided to make my OC share my pain with me. I also hate this season and writing it

I watched Scar type her own reply.


Author: Sheesh, calm down. I'll let you start fighting.... what episode does Jay go to find his parents? Oh next episode. Uh next episode.

Scar: But my ankle will still be bad

Author: Yeah but still, I want to write that scene at least

Scar: K

Author: Anyway I have to write actual important stuff happening, byee

Scar: Wait N-

*Scar POV*

That bitch.

I sigh and see a box beside me, what if I...? I throw the box to the opposite side of the bed, near the door and sit up a bit, careful to adjust my ankle so it doesn't hurt. I grab my throwing knifes and start throwing some at the box. At least I can work on my aim. I keep throwing them until I run out so I resort to ninja stars. After I throw one or two the door opens and Lloyd steps through. My Ninja Star is about to hit him but luckily he moves out the way just in time. He looks at me before giving me an annoyed look like 'your supposed to be resting'

"What, just because I can't walk doesn't mean I can't train" I informed. He sighed.

"Training won't help you get better though. You need to rest" Lloyd replied while sitting on the edge of my bed. I sigh.

"I know I know, I just hate not doing anything. I wish I didn't get thrown  onto my damn ankle in the first place" I complained. Lloyd rolled his eyes.

"Look I'm staying here anyway. The others are all leaving to check some things out but at least you won't be the only one here" Lloyd noted.

"Well I'm not alone, so what?"

"Come on, go to sleep. It'll make the day go faster and you'll get better sooner"  Lloyd suggested.  I sighed.  

"Fine" replied, turning away from his and lying on my pillow with a pissed off look. I heard Lloyd chuckle before leaving. I connect my headphones to my phone and fell asleep to the song 'Two Birds'.

*Lloyd POV*

A/N: Crazy right?

After a weird conversation with Wu about time I check up on Scar in her room. I knock and when I get no reply, enter anyway (to see if shes okay). I look at her laying down, a small smile on her face, her brown and red hair covering half her face and her cuddling her pillow. 

I can't help but smile at her. I notice headphones on and decided to remove them so their not damaged. I walk over and put the headphones down. I'm on the side of her bed now. I can't help but push away a brown strand of hair by her mouth. 

She looks so adorabl- wait hang on? Why am I thinking that. I straiten up and my face his warm. I quickly leave the room, to both not disturb Scar, and also figure out why my face is red. 

On the way their I can't help but feel bad for Scar not being able to walk around for a while. She doesn't even have crutches or anythi-.... 

Actually that's a good idea, maybe I should....

*Scar POV*

I shuffle my feat around, longing to be in the dream world again, knowing I sadly won't be. I sigh before sitting up and checking the time. The other's will be back soon. I slept for a couple hours. Where are my headphones? I turn around to see them on my bedside table, did Lloyd-? 

Anyway, I stretch and hear a knock on my door.

"Uh, hello" I mumble tiredly. Lloyd comes holding something behind his back and has a massive grin.

"Oh it's you, hi Lloyd" I say. 

"I have something for you" Lloyd informs with a grin. I raised an eyebrow, huh?

"Well I know you can't walk around, and you need someone else to help you get somewhere. So I got you something to help!" he showed me some crutches "You still can't walk a lot, but these will help you get around". I smiled.

"Thank you so much Lloyd" I replied as he handed them to me. I sat up and used them to get from one side of the room to the other very quickly. Luckily I've had practice as I was injured a couple times as a kid. 

I gave Lloyd a hug.

"Thank you so-so-so-so-so much" I said. Lloyd was a bit taller then me so I could lean against him.

"No problem..."

HOW TF AM I IN NINJAGO/ Ninjago x OCWhere stories live. Discover now