A rocky start...

288 15 102

Intro is so boring and keeps changing so I wont do it this season -_-


Scar: 18 but 16 mentally

Lloyd: 19 physically but about 13 mentally

Cole: 22 and 10 months

Jay: 21

Nya: 20

Zane: 40-50 but looks 18

Kai: 22 (recent)


Warnings: Swearing, little Scoyd but not much, Fourth Wall breaks and CRINGE

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Warnings: Swearing, little Scoyd but not much, Fourth Wall breaks and CRINGE

*Scar POV*

The ninja raced around the Monastery, packing for our quest. I wouldn't say I was already packed, but I had most things ready. I threw my phone, portable charger, headphones, spare outfit, and more into my backpack. 

I could hear yells from the ninja in the hallways.

"Has anyone seen my sunscreen?"


"Where's my sword?"

"Are you bringing sneakers or boots?"



"Heels!" I yelled. 

I sighed and decided to exit my room to check out the drama. Lloyd and Kai were talking about his Starfarer comic that Kai 'borrowed for over a year'. I snuck up behind Lloyd and stole it from his hand.

"Hey!" Lloyd yelled at me. I laughed at him in return. However, my smile seemed contagious, and he began grinning a couple seconds later.

"I wanna read it! I'll give it back in less than a year" I joked. Lloyd nodded with a smile. 

"I'll be waiting!"

Eventually I got outside and saw a pile of bags from the ninja.

"That's the last of it!" Lloyd yelled. I sighed. I only have one bag, which I'm wearing, and they need all of this...????? I also brought some extra water and a vegemite and cheese sandwich. I'm an Aussie after all (Kinda? With my mum's side its weird).

"What is the meaning of this?" Wu asked, Pixal following behind.

"We're off on our quest, remember? To hone our ninja skills." Lloyd reminded.

"How long are you going for?" Wu questioned.

"I dunno. Day or two?" Jay replied with a shrug.

HOW TF AM I IN NINJAGO/ Ninjago x OCWhere stories live. Discover now