
591 16 138

The title appeared.

(Ages I have given them)

Scar: 18 (cause her bday) but 16 mentally

Lloyd: 19 physically but about 13 mentally

Cole: 22

Jay: 20

Nya: 19

Zane: 40-50 but looks 18

Kai: 21


Author: This set between season 9 and 10

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Author: This set between season 9 and 10. So a couple things have to be blacked out. Also Scar starts liking Lloyd by this point. A birthday present from me btw. Cause its my birthday 2 (In Australia)

Warnings: Scar X Lloyd, Cringe as usual, Fourth Wall breaks, Swearing, the usual

*Scar POV*

I yawn and rub my eyes in an attempt to wake up. I'm tired. I had set up my room in the Monastery a couple weeks ago, after we defeated Garmadon for now. It was nice to have a bigger room, and it was nicer for all the other ninja as well to have their own room. It looked kinda like this.

I pick up my phone and start scrolling through some things

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I pick up my phone and start scrolling through some things. The date is shown and I realise something.

"Oh it's August 6th, my 16th/18th birthday. Nice" I realise. I decide to get changed into something more casual.

 I decide to get changed into something more casual

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