Scar/ Charlotte was just a normal girl TRYING TO WATCH HER NINJAGO. When suddenly she was sucked into Ninjago? Now Scar has to finish all the seasons to get back to her home on earth, and save the Ninja. But is her home really on Earth, and what cha...
Heyyy, so some how I was online yesterday and had seen the previous day that this book was on 6.4k reads and had gone up to 6.6k in ONE NIGHT. Then after 3-4 hours it went to 6.8K. Then at the end of yesterday it somehow got to 7k?????? And its already past 7.1k this morning. I honestly can't keep up. Thank you guys sooooo much
And here is a little sneak peak at her outfits for the next 2 seasons
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Season 7, Time Twins
And here is Season 8 :)
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And this is her changed hair style for majority of the rest of the seasons.
She also mostly stops wearing her bandana :)
Again thank you so much and I should be posted P2 of Day Of The Departed in about 2-3 days