Not exactly a chapter... butttt still Scar

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(Scars outfit season 10)

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(Scars outfit season 10)

What she's wearing now

I am doing an AU request for just Scar and Lloyd going on a date and I'm trying to find time

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I am doing an AU request for just Scar and Lloyd going on a date and I'm trying to find time. This is from it.

 This is from it

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Author: Sooooo, two things. 

One: I want to post the Violet backstory (that you get at 20k) that I've worked hours on as the next chapter. Just with time and all.

Two: I am in the meantime doing Scar and Lloyds reaction too...some things

You'll see......

*Third person POV*

(Scar and Lloyd already know what's going on)

"Okay, now we have 4 fanarts for you guys to see from 2 different people" The Author explained.

"Oooh" Scar replied.

"Three are just Scar and the other one is both of you" The Author continued.

"Ok, let's see" Lloyd asked.

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