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*Theme song plays*

Ghost spirts swarm around. They land near Kai and he is holding his hands up in defence. It shows his name then he blasts fire at the camera.

Nya appears holding a flashlight. A spirt goes past her and she throws it in the air in fear. She then catches it and shines it in the direction of the spirt. Nya's name appears.

Next is Jay who is struggling to use his powers. Suddenly he gets a fright from the spirt and gets scared. His name appears.

After that Wu is shown who is holding a lantern. He moves his lantern to avoid the spirt and looks in it's direction. His name appears.

Zane is shown and a spirt goes through him. His arms and body falls down in front of him, then he restraightens. His name appears.

Next Cole is shown trying to punch the spirts to no prevail. His name appears.

Ghosts surround Lloyd and he is scared. His name shows.

Scar is behind Lloyd and watching. She looks sad for him. She grabs her bow and aims it at the spirts as they go past her but she doesn't get scared. Her name appears.

All the ninja gather up in the order Wu, Cole, Jay, Lloyd, Scar, Zane, Jay, Nya. Lloyd holds his head in pain and Scar pat his back to make him feel better. Lloyd straightens up and puts on his mask. The title for the episode appears.

Ages that I have given them (Might not be their real ages but my interpretation)

Scar: 16 physically but 13 mentally

Lloyd: 16 physically but about 10-13 mentally

Cole: 19

Jay: 17

Nya: 16-17

Zane: 40-50 but looks 18

Kai: 18


I was still confused what was going on when I went up to the Cloud Kingdom gates with the ninja

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I was still confused what was going on when I went up to the Cloud Kingdom gates with the ninja. The golden doors opened and I crossed my arms while looking at Fenwick.

"Welcome to Cloud Kingdom. We've been expecting you." Fenwick said. I rolled my eyes.

"Ha, how are we—" Jay asked before he was interrupted.

"Standing on a cloud?" Fenwick interrupted Jay only to be cut off by me.  

"In other realms, there are other rules." I cut off. Fenwick raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm Fenwick. I've been asked to show you around." Fenwick introduced.

"Nice to meet you. I'm—" Kai began.

"Kai, yes, we all know. You're quite popular with the other monks. Up here, we see everything that goes on in Ninjago." Fenwick informed. 

"Then you know—" Cole asked.

HOW TF AM I IN NINJAGO/ Ninjago x OCWhere stories live. Discover now