10: FUCK!

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The door clicks open and Jimin walks into the dance studio clapping his hands.

"Y/N you are an amazing dancer! Where did you learn to dance so well?"

"I wasn't that amazing, I messed up part way through..."

"Oh don't worry about that it was most likely Yoongi's fault."

He paused for a second "Is it your first time here?"

"Yeah it is."

"Let me show you around!"


Jimin grabs your hand and leads you out of the dance studio into the hall.

"I'll show you my office." He leads you down the hall for a bit.

"So you work here?"

"Yeah, you could say I'm the brains of the business."

"So what do you do?"

"Everything. I keep this place together you know.."

"Oh ok.... nice."

"Well here's my office."

Jimin opens the door with a flourish to reveal a cleaning closet.

"Jimin..... It's.. it's a cleaning closet... Did you get the wrong door?"

Jimin nervously laughs, "heh heh... No. I am the cleaner...."

You clap your hands together, "Oh Jimin, what an amazing, wonderful, needed job. That's why there is absolutely no dust in sight, absolutely none!"

You both crack up laughing.

Jimin takes you around the rest of the building showing you all the rooms.

After about an hour you start to head back to the dance studio. You have just entered the lobby when Jimin suddenly freezes.

"What's wrong?" you look towards where he's looking and see a beautiful girl walk into the building. She looks over and notices you two standing there. Jimin suddenly grabs you by the shoulders and spins you round, pinning you up against the wall. He brings his face next to your ear. Your heart starts pounding in your chest.

"Y/N just play along... please." he whispers in your ear.

He brings his face back and without warning presses his lips onto yours.

What the Fffffff... What is this man doing!!! He is legit kissing you right now!!

You feel your face burning up.

He pulls away slightly "Y/N what are you doing? kiss me back damn it."

He slides his hand up, brushing his fingers against your cheek as he reaches behind your neck and suddenly pulls you closer.

"Finee." you sigh, then grab his other hand and lean in to kiss him. He continues to kiss you back. Seconds later you hear footsteps approaching.

"JIMIN!" an annoying high pitched voice screams out.

You and Jimin break apart and turn to see the beautiful girl with a furious look on her face.

"Oh you, what are you doing here?" Jimin grabs you by the waist and pulls you in next to him.

The girl looks you up and down, "Who are you?"

"Oh I'm..."

"My girlfriend." Jimin cuts you off before you can finish. He looks down at you and winks and you smile back.

"Yes I'm his girlfriend and you are?"

Now the girl looks even more furious "Well, I am..."

Before she can answer, Jimin butts in. Looking down at you he says "Don't worry babe, she's no one important."

He takes back your hand interlocking his fingers with yours and struts off with you.

You walk closer to the dance studio and notice Jungkook and Yoongi were watching you the whole time.

~Jungkook POV~

After Jimin and Y/N leave the room, Jungkook and Yoongi continue to practise. An hour goes by, "He really must be showing her around everywhere... what's taking them so long?" Yoongi says.

He looks out the big window "Oh they're on their way back now, look."

Jungkook walks over to Yoongi and sees Jimin and Y/N walking back through the lobby.

But Jungkook then sees Jimin suddenly pin Y/N up against the wall.

"What the fuck is he doing?" Yoongi exclaims.

Jungkook and Yoongi move closer to the window for a better view. They see Jimin go in and kiss Y/N.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Jungkook yells out.

"Yeah WHAT THE FUCK?" Yoongi yells with Jungkook.

"What is he doing?" Jungkook says.

"Kissing her.... Duh.... But yeah what is he DOING?"

"Ok look she probably told him to stop and pushed him away." Jungkook sighs in relief as Jimin takes a small step back.

But then they watch in horror as Y/N goes in and kisses him back.

"DID SHE JUST KISS HIM BACK!" Jungkook yells again slamming his fist against the glass.

"FUCK!" Yoongi slams his fist into the glass as well.

"They're still going!?"

"Why is it so LONG!?"

"Wait, they stopped!" Jungkook says.

They both watch out the window intensively as the girl approaches Jimin and Y/N and stare in horror as Jimin pulls Y/N closer by the waist.

Both Jungkook and Yoongi have fierce looks across their faces.

Yoongi makes a growling noise deep in his throat.

"Hmm Jimin's got a lot of explaining to do and it better be fucking good!"

[A/N] Mwahahahaaa!!😈😈 You guys have no idea how much fun that was to write😂 we'd like to just apologise for the excessive swearing in this chapter but it kinda felt necessary😅 hmmm its getting spicy ain't it!🔥😈😈 anyways thanks for reading... luv ya💜💜💜

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