27: Closer

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(Yoongi POV)

Y/N hops up to go find a game. As she leaves the room I turn to Jimin.

"Is she really alright?"

He turns to me "I don't think so... she's trying to be tough and act like she doesn't care... but I know it's hurting her."

I remember seeing the tears in her eyes as she forced a smile, seeing that made my heart ache. Why is she forcing a smile when she is clearly hurt?

"Just play along with her, we can try and cheer her up so she forgets a little." Jimin suggests.

I nod in response.

She comes back in with a deck of cards and holds them out to Jimin. "Wanna play cards?" she asks, her smile still forced across her face.

"Sounds fun! You in Yoongi?"

"Yeah I guess."

She smiles and starts shuffling the cards.

We played cards for about an hour, it was actually fun. Me and Y/N got very competitive while Jimin kept losing. Y/N started laughing and smiling her real smile again.

I noticed Jimin on his phone and he turned to me "Hey Yoongi... Something's come up. I need to go."

"What?" I ask confused.

"I have to leave. You stay here and keep her company a bit longer." He smirks, hopping up to leave as he pats my shoulder.

"Where are you going Jimin?" Y/N asks.

"Sorry Y/N something has come up, I need to go. But Yoongi is happy to keep you company." He directs his smile to me with a teasing look.

"Hey I never-" I'm cut off as he quickly exits outside.

I bring my gaze back to Y/N now feeling awkward being alone with her.

I drink my beer not knowing what to say and she does the same.

I notice her cheeks are a bit flushed from all the drinks she's had, looking back she's drunk a lot.

"You shouldn't drink too much more." I say.

She looks up at me with drowsy eyes, "I'll drink as much as I want!" she snapped back.

Why you gotta be so damn stubborn.

"Look, you're getting drunk, stop drinking." I try taking her can but she moves her arm just in time to get away from my grasp.

"I'm fine."

I roll my eyes at her stubbornness. "Fine, get drunk then."

And a few drinks later I was right, she got drunk.

"Yoongi! You wanna see something cool!?" Her cheeks flushed with a big childish smile across her face.

Why you gotta be so damn cute when you're drunk!?


She hops up, a bit tipsy, and walks over to the corner of the room to turn off the lights.

"Y/N what are you doing?"

"Shhh you'll see."

I hear some rummaging around in the darkness. Then suddenly a light comes, a beautiful purple aurora and star scene fills the ceiling and walls. The colours dance on the walls as stars shoot across. I was so engrossed in the lights I didn't notice she was right next to me.

"Come here... you have to lie on your back to feel it properly." She tugged on my arm pulling me over to a clear spot on the carpet. I followed her as she turned and fell onto her back facing the ceiling. She patted the floor next to her for me to join so I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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