05: The Movie

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After grabbing your food and drink you head to Jungkook. As you're walking towards Jungkook you notice a tall hooded figure out of the corner of your eye who looks familiar.

Before you're able to see who it is, Jungkook calls out to you, and you run over to him.

"Nice you got the food, I'm just going to run to the bathroom before the movie starts. Wait here."

You nod as he walks off.

You look around you to see if you can find the pink haired gentleman you met earlier. You notice him on the other side of the room next to the hooded guy you saw before who looked familiar.

The hooded looks so familiar but you can't put your finger on who it could be. You stand there staring in thought.

The figure then turns his head and you realise!

"YOONGI!?" You yell in shock without realizing that you yelled out loud. You see Yoongi turn to look at you, his facial expression turns to shock.

"Yoongi?" Jungkook comes up behind you.

The pink-haired man now turns around as well to see who Yoongi is looking at and notices you.

"Oh hey gorgeous!" he runs over to you waving his small hand in the air.

Yoongi looks shocked that this man knows you. He slowly follows behind.

"Oh hey..." you say, still in shock.

"You know Jimin Y/N?" Jungkook says looking confused.

Jimin? So this pink man is named Jimin and Jungkook knows him? And Yoongi knows him as well? What?

"Yeah we met earlier, kind of... how do you know each other?" You ask confused.

"Oh we um met through Yoongi, a mutual friend you know." He replied scratching behind his hand.

"Oh so your name is Y/N. What a lovely name for a lovely face." Jimin says with a wink.

You look over to Yoongi who is just standing there looking at Jungkook and holding in his laugh. Soon he couldn't hold it any longer and burst out laughing at the sight of Jungkook in all pink.

Jungkook's face flushes with embarrassment as you start giggling as well.

"You're seriously wearing that much pink? You look so stupid." Yoongi says between laughs.

Jimin looks at Yoongi with a sly smile "What about you Yoongi." He then grabs Yoongi's zip on his hoodie and pulls it down to reveal a pink barbie themed shirt.

You and Jungkook crack up laughing at the sight and Yoongi quickly turns around all embarrassed.

"Jimin made me wear it ok! At least I don't have pink jeans on." He mumbles, zipping his hoodie back up.

"You seriously don't suit the barbie vibe." Jungkook says almost crying from laughter.

Yoongi shoots him a glare "And you think you do?"

Jimin turns to you "So you're watching Barbie too I take it?"

You give him a dumb look "No not at all." you reply sarcastically.

Jimin smiles "Well since you are, I'll grab a seat next to you." he smirks.

Jungkook hears this and looks over "Wait but we are sharing popcorn so I need to sit next to her."

Jimin gives Jungkook a look "Fine, I'll sit next to my Yoongi then... I'll sit next to you next time when it's just us gorgeous."

How is this man so naturally flirty!

Jungkook butts in, "The movie is about to start, let's go." He grabs your arm and leads you into the theatre with Jimin and Yoongi following behind.

You and Jungkook find your seats and sit down. Jimin and Yoongi get to the end of your row and then Jimin suddenly turns and walks out. Yoongi awkwardly comes and sits next to you.

"Where did Jimin go?" You ask as he sits down.

"He said he forgot something." He replies.
"Oh ok." you look back at the screen waiting for the movie to start.

5 minutes later Jimin comes back holding two popcorn boxes and hands one to Yoongi.

Soon the movie is starting and you all sit back and watch the screen while eating popcorn.

Half way through the movie you put your hand in Yoongi's popcorn instead of Jungkook's without thinking.

'Ya!" Yoongi loud whispers, slapping your hand.

"Ow what the heck?" you whisper/yell back.

"Don't steal my popcorn!"

You take a big handful to annoy him and his jaw drops.

"You did not!" he says in shock.

"Yes I just did!" you say, getting closer to his face and grabbing another handful.

"Give it back!" he demands.

You shove it all in your mouth "Come take it." you say with a smirk.

He looks at you in utter shock.

He quickly takes the bucket and holds it away from you so you can't take anymore.

"Can you two be quiet please." Jimin says, giving you both a glare.

You both quickly turn back to the screen and continue watching the movie.


Sup beautifuls hope you enjoy this chapter sorry its so late. We've Been busy with life ya know😂 Leave a comment because we feel like no one cares so we want someone to care 😂😂 Just btw we have made a fandom name for the very few of you that don't mind us. You are now Teehees no choice 🤣 Bye! Luv y'all❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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