02: Yoongi!?

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Who's Yoongi!?

Jungkook gives Yoongi a big hug, wrapping his long arms around Yoongi's body.

"Let go." Yoongi says in a cold deep voice.

Jungkook quickly lets go, backing up almost like he's scared of him.

"Still the same as ever, aren't you Yoongi." He says giggling under his breath.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. Then bring them to look at you. "This kid your girlfriend?" He asks bluntly.

You notice a blush touch Jungkook's face as he scratches behind his ear.

He always does this when he's shy or embarrassed.

"No she's my friend" He quickly says back.

Yoongi looks back at you.

"His best friend!" You correct.

Jungkook looks back at you with a smile

"Yes sorry, she's my best friend"

You smile back.

"I see," Yoongi says, not looking interested.

"So why are you here Yoongi?" Jungkook says holding out a lollipop.

Yoongi takes it and pops it in his mouth.

"I live around here so I was just walking around you know. What about you aren't you meant to be in school or something?"

"Schools done, it's like 3:30pm, we were just getting some candy," Jungkook says, holding up the bag of candy proudly.

Yoongi raises his eyebrows like he's saying 'Seriously!?'

You stand there between their conversation quietly wondering how they know each other.

"Soo... how do you two know each other?" You ask awkwardly, interrupting their conversation.

They both look at you.

Yoongi still has the lollipop in his mouth; he slips his hands into his pockets and leans back.

Jungkook looks at Yoongi then back at you, a weak fake laugh comes out.

"Oh us we... umm... he's just an old friend you know, see each other here and there." He says biting his lip ring.

You and Jungkook got matching lip piercings at the same time without telling your parents when you were 15. When your dad found out he was not pleased with Jungkook, blaming it all on him for being a bad influence. Of course it was your idea not his, but Jungkook always protected you from the blame.

"Oh ok then." you say but you can't help feeling something is off with the answer.

You know he isn't telling the whole truth but you don't want to push.

"Well I guess I'll be going." Yoongi says as he turns around and walks off down the sidewalk.

Jungkook waves as Yoongi leaves, then him and you both continue on your walk.

~ Time Skip~

You are now back home in your room getting ready for bed. You lay down in your bed to go to sleep, but you can't seem to shake the image of Jungkook and the way he looked when he answered your question.

Why did he lie about how they know each other?

Jungkook tells you everything, why is he hiding something?

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