12: EX

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Where is he! He's never this late.

You've been waiting for 10 minutes for Jungkook to pick you up for school. If you knew he was going to be late you wouldn't have pulled yourself out of bed as fast as you did. You didn't sleep much last night. All you could think of was... him, and his hands on your body with his lips against yours.

Come on Y/N focus! You have to make it through the school day without thinking about yesterday... you have to!

You notice a familiar black Jeep in the driveway and you're already at the front door before Jungkook can beep the horn.

"Where were you?" You ask, "I've been waiting for ages."

"Sorry, I got held up at home."

You spend most of the short trip in silence. You can tell he's thinking of the same thing that kept you up all night.

~Time skip~

"Hey Y/N, wake up!"

You jump up from where you were sleeping at your desk to come face to face with a grinning Jungkook.

"Hmm? I wasn't sleeping."

"Sure, of course. You would never be right?"

"Who me? Sleep in class? Nooo I would feel so bad if I missed an important fact on the plant life of the Amazon! I could never sleep again if I did that!"

You both laugh as you walk out of the classroom. You feel much better after your little cat nap. After all, sleep is much more interesting than plants. You head out to your locker to get rid of your books. As you open the door you hear someone behind you. You turn to see Brittany and this time she has another girl with her. This new girl looks shocked when she sees you.

"YOU! You're Jimin's new girlfriend!" She exclaims.

Jungkook frowns, "Girlfriend?"

Now you recognize the girl. She's the one from yesterday, Jimin's ex.

Your stomach suddenly ties into a knot.

I have to make it seem like I really am Jimin's gf for his sake so this girl keeps away from him but if I do act like that Jungkook might get mad. What do I do!?

You decide to stick with Jimin's story. You can always explain to Jungkook later. After all, Jimin would have already told him right?

"Yup that's me." You look the girl in the eye. "And who might you be?" You ask her, "You never did get round to telling me yesterday."

"My name's Becky and I'll have you know you can keep away from jimin. He's mine!"

"He didn't seem to think that, did he?" You reply.

Brittany cuts in, "What's going on here? Who's jimin?"

You and Becky both answer together, "My boyfriend"

"You don't mean to say you're cheating on Jungkook Y/N?" Brittany says.

"Well no I'm not. Jungkook is not my boyfriend."

He looks at you with a sarcastically surprised look on his face, "I'm not?"

You sigh and turn to him, "well yes you're a boy and you're my friend but that doesn't make us a couple."

He grins, satisfied that he'd confused the situation a little more, "True" He lets you continue.

"I don't see why you should be concerned about jimin." You say to Becky, "After all he's told me many times how sick he is of you."

"Look I don't know what's going on here but I have places to be so if you don't mind..." jungkook links arms with you and leads you outside where you collapse on the ground. You sit there side by side for a few minutes processing what just happened. Finally you turn to him and break the silence.

"Thanks," You say, "You saved me. To be honest I had no idea where that was gonna go till you stepped in."

"No worries. I wasn't gonna let them treat you like that."

You decide to ask Jungkook what he knows about yesterday. After all, you walked out before Jimin explained everything.

"About Jimin... you know we're not really... a thing. Right?"

"Wellll... I'm not really sure."

"What!! Didn't Jimin explain!"

"What was there to explain, he kissed you and you kissed him back. You are a thing aren't you? You just told Brittany he was your boyfriend."

"NO! No way! That's not what I meant! Wait till I find Jimin, I'll kill him!"

"You won't need to wait long." Jungkook says, pointing with his chin at the school entrance. There you see a sheepish looking Jimin carefully making his way through the carpark so Becky wouldn't see him.

"Well I said I'd kill him.... Here goes."

You walk up to Jimin and he stops when he sees you coming. He gives you his warm smile and those beautiful dark eyes sparkle at you. His hair is no longer pink from the barbie movie night. It's now a soft blonde colour and his golden bangs fall gently over his forehead, perfectly framing his face. Your heart softens as he stands there grinning at you. How could someone be angry with that? It would be like sending a lamb to slaughter. You decide to take a more gentle approach.

"Hey gorgeous." He leans back on one of the parked cars. You lean on a car opposite and look up at him.

"Hey, I was wondering what happened after I left yesterday. I see Jungkook didn't kill you entirely."

"Nope. Still up and running. They did give me a hard time though." His smile fades slightly as he watches you.

"Is everything alright? You seem a bit upset."

"Why didn't you tell Jungkook the truth? He thinks we're dating now or something! The only reason I can think of for that happening is if you didn't tell him why you kissed me. You did tell him about Becky didn't you? He does know it was just for show?"

He gives you his sheepish grin.

"Well I guess I didn't explain everything in so much detail. I suppose they could have got the wrong idea about it all."

"What do you mean 'they'?"

"Well you see that's why I didn't explain everything straight out. It started getting interesting when Yoongi got all ruffled up too."

"Yoongi!? Why would he care who I kiss or not?"

"That's what I thought. I can understand old JK being protective of his friend but as far as I know Yoongi doesn't even know you that well does he?"

You shake your head.

"Last time he said anything to me he was tryna prove that that dance routine was too difficult for me. We're not even on good speaking terms!"

None of this is making sense. I'm still trying to get over me and Jimin hot kissing session, and calm down Jungkook and Becky, I don't need more confusion about another man thrown in the mix! Still when we were dancing... the way he looked at me... I don't know!!!

[A/N] Hey guys👋 This is actually the 'editor' here but I wrote this chapter all my myself (#proud) so lmk what you think of it. Also if the plot is like really hard to understand pls tell us so we can clarify on anything that's not making sense. As always luv u💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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