09: Heated

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"Arg where is he?" You complain.

You have been waiting for 30 minutes for Jungkook but you haven't seen him since lunch. You take out your phone and see a message that you missed from him.

"I won't be able to take you home after school today because Yoongi called me in for a last minute practice so I had to leave early. Catch up with you tmr."

Guess I'll walk home then.

As you're walking home you see a coffee shop,

"Maybe I'll get an iced latte... I could get one for Jungkook too and drop it off!"

You walk into the shop and get two iced latte's. After getting your iced coffee's, you suddenly remember you don't know where Jungkook is exactly. You know he's at practice but where on earth is that?

I''ll just text Kookie and see where he is....... Hhh what is taking him so long to reply? I sent that message like 5 minutes ago... maybe I'll text Yoongi instead... wait I don't have his number. Ok I'll see if Jimin is with them...



"Hey Jimin, are you with Jungkook?


"No, what's wrong?"


"Oh nothing, um ok if you're not with jk do you have Yoongi's number?"


"Yup sure here it is...."



After getting his number you send Yoongi a text asking where Jungkook is.



"Hey Dumpling..."


"How did you get my number?"




"Are you really that desperate Cupcake😏"


"As if Dumpling, I just want to know where Jungkook is. He's not reading his messages."


"Why should I tell you?"


"Well I got coffee sooo..."

You really don't want to have to give up your coffee but if it means discovering this mysterious 'practice studio', you'll try anything.

The coffee bribe worked and you're soon walking through the streets of Seoul. You're thankful it's only a 10 minute walk away and it's not long before you arrive.

When you get there you're greeted with a huge tall building with glass windows all the way up.

"Man I was expecting some old shed... but this, this is HUGE!"

You walk up to the door and it opens automatically.

"Damn, fancy!"

You head through the door into a big lobby with wooden floors that echo when you walk and navy couches huddled in a corner around a marble coffee table. Along one wall you notice five elevators!

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