13: A New Friend?

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It's been weeks since you've seen Jimin or Yoongi but you haven't had time to think about them lately. It seems as though all the girls are out for you, you receive threats and girls are always whispering behind your back or straight up talking shit in your face. Of course the memory of the kiss with Jimin and the dance with Yoongi come to your mind at random times but you shrug it off. You choose to ignore the bullying at school and you don't tell Jungkook either so he won't be worried. Of course as soon as he is around you the bullying stops and everyone seems as sweet as could be. He has no idea what's really happening.

"Hey Y/N!" a girl whom you can't recognize pulls up a chair to your desk and sits down in front of you.

"Do I know you?" you ask, still trying to remember if you recognize her.

"Oh no you probably don't, I just transferred here... I saw you don't seem to have too many friends. Um I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me this Saturday? I haven't been able to make many friends yet and you seem like a nice person..." she gives you a sweet innocent smile. Her hair is long and blonde and her soft brown eyes peek through the curtain bangs framing her small sweet face.

She's so pretty. Why would she want to hang out with me?

"I don't think I'm doing much on Saturday. It sounds fun!"

"Great! Can I get your number? I'll message you the location and time!" She hands you her phone to put in your number.

When you're finished, she takes her phone back, smiles and heads off.

Wow I've never had a girl friend before! I'm a little excited for Saturday now!

~Time Skip~

"Let's hang out on Saturday. I just got a new game I wanna try with you!" Jungkook asks while driving you home from school.

"Kookie I would love to but I've got plans for Saturday."

He turns and give you a sarcastic look of shock on his face "Did someone ask you out on a date?" He looks back at the road and smirks.

"NO that's not it.... I was asked to hang out with a friend." You exclaim.

"Ooh a friend.... Who? I thought I'm your only friend?" He gives you a little pout.

You giggle. He's so cute when he pouts!

"A new girl who just transferred invited me out. She hasn't made any friends yet."

Now that I think back I never got her name... but she knew mine...

Why would she ask you of all people to hang out?... like you're pretty unsociable with the girls at school."

"I don't know... I wondered that myself."

"Welp here we are. Bye!"

"Thanks Kookie!" you hop out of his jeep and head inside.


You pull out your phone and check the message that just came through.



"Hey Y/N... it's Beth here! The girl who invited you to hang out tomorrow👋"

"Do you wanna meet up at Coffee Hour at around 11am?"

Ah so her name is Beth!



"Hello Beth!👋 yes that works for me! Sounds like a blast, see you then!"

I can't wait for tomorrow but I also have this feeling like I'm nervous or scared... probably because I haven't hung out with a girl as friends in ages.

~Time Skip~

It is now Saturday. You're in your room picking out an outfit to meet up with Beth at the Coffee Hour shop.

You settle on a pair of baggy jeans and a brown T-shirt with a cute bear on it. You pair these with your brown Nike shoes that Jungkook gave you last birthday.

You look in the mirror "This will do!"

You head off to the coffee shop.

"Ah why is this place so far away!"

You've been walking for 30 minutes and made it to the city center. You look at your phone to see how much further the coffee shop is...

"Ah, 5 more minutes, should be up ahead then! So close!"



I will be waiting for you outside. I made it early.

I should hurry, she's already waiting for me!

You start to speed walk to the coffee shop when you arrive and look at the front...

Where is she? I thought she said she would be waiting out front? Maybe she went inside already.

You walk into the coffee shop.

"Welcome!" the person behind the counter greets you.

You smile in reply and scan the shop looking for Beth but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Excuse me, have you seen a girl here with long blond hair named Beth?" you ask the person working behind the counter.

She thinks for a moment "Oh, there was a girl waiting out front with long blond hair. I saw her walk into the alley next to us on the phone."

"Ok thanks for your help."

She must have got a call and just went in the alley to answer, I'll go look.

You head out of the Coffee shop and turn into the alley. It is long and dark even though it is day out. You look deep into the alley and see a figure standing near the end.

Must be Beth!

You start heading towards the figure but as you get close enough to see you realise it isn't Beth standing there but Becky, Jimin's ex.

Well this is awkward, why did I have to run into her? I'll just turn around and pretend I didn't see her.

You start to turn around and walk away but something grabs you by the arm. You turn to see Brittany with an evil smirk on her face. She grasps your arm tighter as she forces you to turn back around and face Becky.

"Well about time you showed up Y/N!" Becky smirks, walking closer to your face.

3 more girls appear from around the corner with evil grins plastered across their faces. You don't recognize two of the girls. But there's one with long blond hair... Beth.


Dun dun dunnn! Hope you all enjoy this new chapter please leave your thoughts in the comments! 💖 We are now back at school 🙄... but we will try and keep up to date with posting new chapters for you all! 🤗 

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