22: Wounds

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"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was forced by freakin Jimin to pick you up!" He spat back looking annoyed as usual.

You walk closer to him and as you approach you notice a shift in his eyes from annoyance to almost worry and concern.

"What the hell happened to you?" he asked.

You realized what a sight you must have been with mud, bruises, and blood on your body.

"Nothing." you quickly avoid the question looking down at your feet.

"Oh yeah like heck nothing happened, everyone just comes out of school looking like they went through a war!" he snapped back.

He grabbed your wrist, pulling you in closer as he examined you. He gently grasped your other hand and shifted it slightly to reveal where it had been covering the wound on your neck. You could feel his hot breath brush against your skin. He was so close. You quickly pull away from his grasp as your cheeks start heating up and continue to apply pressure with your hankie.

"Is that a knife wound on your neck?" he asked, looking concerned.

"Umm... no?" you don't know what to say.

Yoongi let out a sigh "Just get on." He handed you a helmet. You quickly popped it on and then hopped on the back of his bike. You looked down for something to hold onto... "Just hold onto me." he said as he started the bike up and before you could reply it took off, the motion making you quickly grab his waist for security.

He sped down the road as you clung to his leather jacket.

You have to admit Yoongi on a motorbike was kinda hot.

As he zoomed down the road you started feeling dizzy.

I think the bleeding is getting worse. The pain's gone now it's just a numb pressure.

You start feeling weak and more dizzy.

Shit I'm going to pass out.

~Yoongi's POV~

Y/N suddenly leaned her head on my back as we drove.

"Y/N don't friggin hug me! Are you falling for me because I look hot on my bike?" I jokingly asked but got no reply.

"Y/N?" Still no reply. By the time I pulled up to her house and parked my bike she still hadn't moved. I quickly turned around and grabbed her, pulling the helmet off to reveal her pale face and closed eyes. She had passed out. I noticed the cut on her neck was still streaming with blood.

"What the hell did you get yourself into! Who did this to you?" I grabbed her waist and lifted her up bridal style and carried her to her house. When I reached the door I realized it was locked.

"Shit. Where are your keys?" I looked down at her to notice a small bulge in the pocket of her skirt.

Ahh don't tell me it's in your pocket!

I gently placed her down on the deck leaning her up against the side of the house. I unzipped her pocket and reached my hand down inside feeling for the key. When my fingers felt it, I quickly pulled out the keys and unlocked the front door. Carrying her inside I placed her down on the couch in the living room, and sat down next to her looking down at her bruised and bloody body.

Why does it pain me to see her like this? It makes me angry to think someone would do this to her! Who did this to her? I want to rip them apart!

I find my way to the kitchen and grab a cloth, wet it and bring it back. Slowly I begin wiping the dirt off of her face and neck and cleaning the cut too. It was a pretty deep cut but thankfully not deep enough to kill her. I wiped the off the dried blood as gently as I could but I noticed her wincing at the pain in her sleep. The cut was still fresh and was still continuing to bleed out. I went rummaging through her house trying to find the first aid kit. After looking through almost every cupboard I finally found it in the bathroom and brought it back to her. I again sat on the edge of the couch and opened the kit, finding the dis-infectant to clean the cut. I put some on a cotton ball and carefully started to clean it.

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