23: The Letter

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You quickly sit up straight and turn to see a furious Jungkook standing in the doorway.

"Jungkook, um... Hi." You realise you're still sitting on top of Yoongi.

"Yeah sure, Hi, WHAT THE HELL!!"

You quickly pull yourself off Yoongi and stand to face Jungkook.

Yoongi has his sly smile back, "Does he always barge in like that?" He asks as he also stands up.

"Shut up!" You hit him on the shoulder which only makes him smile wider.

"Look Kookie, I can explain all this."

"You'd better! What the hell were you doing!?" He's clearly very angry as he stares you both down. He turns to Yoongi, "Why don't you just get out of here! I want to talk to Y/N."

Yoongi doesn't say anything, just silently refuses which makes Jungkook even madder.

"Yoongi, just go." You give him a push towards the door.

"Why should I? I guess you're gonna make it sound like it's my fault you called me..." He doesn't get to finish his sentence as you shove your hand over his mouth.

"Just go!!" You don't need him making this any more complicated than it needs to be. Finally he gives in and shuffles to the door giving you a wink on his way out "I guess I'll see you round Cupcake." He grins once more, satisfied that by now he'd made Jungkook well and truly ready to burst. As soon as he's out the door Jungkook turns to you.

"What the hell Y/N! What is all this about?"

"I'm not gonna explain it to you till you're willing to understand. The whole time you're worked up like this you're not gonna let me fully explain."

He takes a deep breath and for the first time since barging in takes a good look at you. You notice his eyes widen as he sees your bandage on your neck. His face softens,

"What's this?" He grabs your arm pulling you closer as he examines the bandage and the split in your lip. His eyes wander round your face looking for any other marks.

"It's nothing." You say, "I'll tell you later, just let me go freshen up first." You had noticed how you were still in your wet and muddy school uniform. You head upstairs for a shower and leave Jungkook and all his questions behind.

~Jungkook POV~

Y/N disappears upstairs and comes back 10 minutes later wearing an oversized t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. Her hair is wet and loose from having a shower. She grabs two beers from the fridge, hands me one and takes a seat in front of me.

"Are you calm now?" She cracks open the can, taking a sip.

"Yes I'm perfectly calm now please tell me what happened to you." I cracked open my beer while waiting for her reply.

"Ok so what happened to me was I ended up fighting with some of the girls from school."

"The bitches who've been playing pranks on you and stuff?"

"Yeah, I was waiting outside and they came up and pushed me down the steps and we started fighting and then one of them pulled out a knife and that's what happened to my neck."

"What!" I exclaimed. "Honestly, why do you get yourself into such dumb situations? You're telling me that one of those bitches tried to kill you!"

"Well not really but that's what happened anyway. At least I won!" She gives me a triumphant smile as if nearly dying was something to be proud of.

"Ok so that explains the bandage, what about the whole scene I just walked in on?"

"Well after the fight Yoongi picked me up since Jimin couldn't and came in and cleaned all my cuts and stuff. Honestly I'd probably be dead if he didn't bandage up the wound on my neck."

"That doesn't explain why you two were all over each other on the floor!" I can feel my voice rising as I start getting worked up again.

"Just listen to me!" She tells the whole story in one breath quickly getting it all off her chest. "Ok so he told me to lie down and was being all kind which is weird coming from him because he doesn't usually care about me so without thinking I said yes daddy because he was acting like a dad and then he went all weird and jumped on me trying to get me to say it again so I pushed him on the floor and climbed on top of him to hold him down and then you came in. It was honestly nothing."

"You called him daddy?"

"Yeah but I didn't mean it like that. I kinda just said it cause he was being all protective and weird."

"Ok so you weren't doing anything then?"

"Me and Yoongi? Seriously? As if!" She said laughing at my assumption.

"Yeah I guess you're right."

But then why did he react when you called him that. Does he like you?

"Since we're being honest there's something I need to tell you." I start playing with my fingers, nervous about telling her this.

It's better to get it all over with and just tell her.

"Oh shit I'm scared. What is it?" her eyes widened at my nervousness.

I took a gulp of my beer before pulling the letter out of my back pocket.

"This..." I handed her the letter

"A letter?" she look confused

"Open it."


Jungkook hands you a letter "Open it"

You slowly open the letter and read it.

Dear Jeon Jungkook,

We are happy to announce you have been accepted into the Idol training program in America.

Our training program takes 3 months to complete and you will be provided with all the care you need when overseas.

Please look at our website for more information.

"You're going overseas?" you ask, meeting his eyes.


You felt tears start to fill your eyes.

3 months? He'll be gone for 3 months. You felt happy and sad all at once, happy he was achieving his dream but sad he had to leave you.

"Y/N?" Jungkook snapped you out of your thoughts when you noticed he had moved over next to you.

"I'm happy for you." You forced yourself to smile at him but you felt the hot tears fall down your face.

"Y/N don't cry please." Jungkook pulled you into his arms.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to cry... I'll just miss you." Your sobs muffled into his shoulder as you hugged him back.

He patted your back slowly to comfort you.

"I don't have to go."

You pulled away from his arms "Yes you do. Jeon Jungkook, this is your dream, you can't not go because of me. I will be fine."

He smiled his cute bunny smile "You sure. We can call and text all the time, ok?"

"Ok promise?" you hold out your pinky finger and he hooks his.



Sorry about the short chapter but still hope you enjoy 💖 Would love if you comment with your feedback to help us improve and drop a vote to 😉

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