07: Another Lie

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Every Friday Jungkook comes around for what you call your game night. This is when you play games from 7pm to as long as you can go which your record is 6am!

You both sit around all night playing games or watching movies now and then. You have been doing this ritual for years now.

It all started because on Friday nights your dad always ends up staying in a hotel. There are so many late meetings each Friday at his work, and he works an hour away from home, so on Fridays he just stays down for the night.

~knock knock~

You go and open the door and see Jungkook standing there with a wide smile holding up a bag.

"I brought fried chicken!" He pushes past you and puts it on the table in the living room.

"Oh yum! Just what I feel like." you say, closing the door and sitting next to him on the floor.


Jungkook phones start buzzing.

"Who is this... oh it's Jimin give me sec Y/N." Jungkook says answering the phone.

"Yo whats up Jimin?"

"Hey Jungkook, do you wanna hang out? I'm bored." Jimin wines through the phone.

"Oh sorry Jimin but I'm busy..."

"What are you doing then?"

"Um well Friday nights I go to Y/Ns..."

"WHAT? Are you guys a thing??" Jimin squeals, sounding excited.

"WHAT NO! For game night, honestly Jimin we're just friends." Jungkook looks over to you, blushing.

"Well in that case where does Y/N live?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because I'll come round and hang out with you!"

"What! Jimin..."

"Please Jungkook, I'm soooo bored! It's just mom who's home, I want to go out please... Come on, you know what she's like..." Jimin says with a pleading note in his voice.

Jungkook looks at you for confirmation, you let out a sigh and nod.

Honestly... Friday nights are you and Jungkook nights... Why does Jimin have to sound so sad and make you feel bad if you say no.

"Fine you can come, I'll send you the address."

"Yay! I love you Jungkook!" Jimin hangs up.

Jungkook turns to you "Guess Jimin is coming now... sorry but his mom can be umm... a bit much when his dad's not there. I felt bad for him..."

"It's fine... but tell him to bring more chicken."

He laughs "Ok I will."

Minutes later Jimin knocks on the door and you go to answer it. Jimin is standing there holding 2 bags, one with chicken and one with beer. He holds them up and smiles showing his cute dimples.

"Can we come in Gorgeous?" He asks, looking behind you to see Jungkook.

"Yeah sure... wait we?" You look behind him and see Yoongi standing in the dark.

"Yeah sorry I know I said I was just coming but I thought that Yoongi might be lonely and left out so I brought him along!"

You roll your eyes and let out a sigh.

Yoongi pushes forward "JIMIN! You didn't tell me that we we're going to Y/N's house! I'm gonna kill you, you little son of a bitch!" Yoongi grabs Jimin by the collar and Jimin puts on a guilty grin.

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