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"Jimin!" you're shocked by his sudden appearance.

He looks down at you and gives you a soft smile still gripping your waist. You notice Yoongi looking at his hand placement around your waist with a shocked and confused expression. You were about to remove his hand when you saw Becky right behind Yoongi and remembered you have to play along to help Jimin.

Becky looks at you and Jimin with a pissed look on her face as she takes a step in front of Yoongi.

"Jimin..."she looks up at him.

"What are you doing here Becky? Are you following me?" Jimin interrupts her.

She opens her mouth to answer when Yoongi butts in, "Her and her gang cornered Y/N in an alleyway and I had to save her."

Jimin looks shocked by this answer. He turns and looks at you with a worried look.

"You're not hurt, are you babe?" he holds your face in his hands inspecting it for any bruises or cuts.

"No, I'm not hurt."

After making sure you're alright Jimin turns to Becky, "What the hell? Why were you corning Y/N in an alley!" He's furious at Becky. She looks surprised by this as she backs away slowly looking at her feet.

Stammering she replies "It wasn't all my idea! I'm not the only one who doesn't like her! Most of this idea was Brittany's. I just agreed because of course I don't like her, since she stole my boyfriend!"

"She didn't steal me from you! We were already broken up when I hooked up with Y/N!" Jimin exclaims.

"Well..." Becky is cut off when Brittany and Beth show up out of nowhere. They strut up to you and stand on either side of Becky.

"Well Y/N looks like you have another man here to save you." Brittany snickers.

"Yeah just how many men do you have wrapped around your fingers?" Beth backs her up.

Honestly, what is wrong with these girls? They are so petty!

"Y/N you're lucky... I can't be bothered to start a big fight in public so we'll be off. But trust me we will be back when you're alone and with no one to witness." Brittany flicks her hair behind her back.

You pretend to look scared "Argg wow so scary I am just so terrified!" you sarcastically scream.

All three of them looked annoyed by your response. You catch Yoongi smirking out of the corner of your eye at what you said.

The girls roll their eyes and strut off.

Finally they're gone!

"Um Jimin, you can let go now." You try to push his arm off your waist.

He looks at you and smirks "But your waist fits perfectly into my arm."

You give him a glare and he quickly lets go. "Ok ok I'm letting go."

Yoongi's looking at you two confused.

"So are you guys just faking it then?"

"You didn't know?" you ask. You look at Jimin for an explanation.

So he didn't tell Yoongi either!

He gives you a nervous grin.

"Seems I forgot to mention that part, ey Yoongi. Yeah Becky is one of my ex's and she's been a real pain lately. When we saw her at the company I asked Y/N to help me and fake being my girlfriend hoping she would get off my back for once."

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that in the first place! I thought you two were seriously dating!" Yoongi shouts at Jimin, grabbing him by the collar.

"Whoa Yoongi, why are you getting so angry?" Jimin smirks at him just to annoy him further.

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