19: Feelings

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I pull up outside Y/N's house, turn off the car and poke her shoulder to wake her up.

"Y/N, we're home."

She slowly opens her eyes and blinks a few times before responding. "Oh already."

She unbuckles her seatbelt and hops out of the Jeep. I jump out to follow her to the door. She tries the door a few times to find it locked so we stand outside for a bit waiting for her dad to let us in.

"Um, Y/N is your dad even home?"


"Then why are we waiting out here for him to answer the door!?" I exclaimed.

"Well I don't know I thought you were getting the spare key!" She slurs back.

I grab the hidden key from under the mat and open the door then follow her in to make sure she gets safely to her room. She walks slowly and unbalanced because of the alcohol. I shut the door behind us as she begins to stumble up the stairs.

"Y/N be careful going up the stairs! You're so wobbly!" I call out to her as she already slips on the first step landing with a THWACK on her back. I run over to her to see if she's alright.

"You ok?" I ask, helping her sit up straight.

Tears start to form in her eyes, "Why do I keep falling! It hurts damn it!" She yells out pounding her fist on the carpet.

I can't help but snicker at her burst of anger.

"Kookie, why are you laughing when I'm hurt!" she lightly slaps me on the chest.

"Ok I'm sorry you're just cute." I help her stand back up.

"I don't want to fall again." she says to me, holding out her arms.

What does she want me to do? She's holding out her arms so do I carry her or does she want me to hold her hand or arm?? I don't know!

I was about to ask what she wanted me to do but before I had a chance she suddenly jumped onto my chest, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

"I want you to carry me Kookie." She whispers in my ear.

My heart starts pounding at her sudden action and the tingle of her whisper in my ear.

Shit! My heart is pounding so hard she can probably hear it!

I slowly wrap my arms around her to secure her before I walk up the stairs and into her bedroom. Once I reach her room I stop outside the doorway to let her down. I unwrap my arms but she still clung on to me holding tight.

"You can let go now." I say

"No, drop me on my bed." She replied, clinging to me.

"Ahh fine." I walk her over to her bed edge to drop her.

"Ok here." She releases her legs from around my waist and her arms from my neck dropping her body onto the bed.

She starts giggling "hehehe that was fun!"

"Ok, go to bed now." I turn around to head out but again I am caught by surprise as she jumps up onto my back.

"Y/N stop jumping on me without telling me!"

"Aww don't go Kookie." She wines.

"Look, you should get some rest so you can sober up." I sit down on her bed to place her back on it. She lets go of my body only to wrap her arms around my waist. This makes me blush even more now, I am certain my face is completely red.

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