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It's been a couple weeks since the night at diablo. You've decided to try and keep away from the drinks for a while. You're back at school and days have been going as usual, nothing exciting, and you haven't met up with Yoongi or Jimin since that night. Everything has been quiet recently except for the fact that the three bitches keep talking behind your back. They act like they try to hide it but everything is said close enough so you can hear their snarky comments. You brush it off knowing they are only jealous. You soon just got used to them as they never did anything more than talk about you around you and sometimes pulling stupid pranks like putting bugs down the back of your shirt in class. It was still annoying and gross but it could have been worse. Luckily they hardly have the chance to do worse because they change personalities whenever Jungkook is around you, acting like three little angels.


Another day of school. Man I am done with it I wish it was the weekend already!

You pull yourself up and out of bed slamming your hand on the alarm clock to shut it up. You grab your phone and check your messages,



"Hey sorry I won't be able to take you to school today as I have some work to do at the company... I've asked Jimin to take you instead so he should be there in 20."


"K cool hope your work goes well. I'll share you my notes from today's classes after school if anything important comes up."

You turn off your phone after replying and head to the bathroom to freshen up, washing your face with cool water to wake you up.

You then slip on your uniform, pull your hair into a quick messy bun and grab your bag as you head downstairs.

You head into the kitchen and notice a note on the fridge.

~Sorry I had to go to work early again for a meeting. I will try to get home before 10pm tonight. Love you! -Dad~

Again? He seems to be always at work.

You open the fridge and grab a yoghurt drink for your breakfast. Just as you finish your last slurp of it you hear wheels pulling up in front of your house.


You slip on your school shoes and run out the door and see Jimin sitting in a bright red Mazda.

Damn Jimin must be rich to have such a nice car.

"Good morning Gorgeous, your personal Uber is here." He said as he jumped out and walked around to open your door.

"Morning Jimin! Wow you have a sick car." you said admiring the interior.

"Thanks! It was my first big purchase after graduating a few years ago." he said as he started the engine which let out a satisfying roar.

"To school then Princess" he stepped on the gas and flew off.

Arriving at school he pulled up by the gate and let you out.

Smiling, he waved goodbye.

"See you later, Gorgeous. Have a good day!" He sent you a flying kiss and a wink.

"Seriously, does this man never stop flirting!?" you said, rolling your eyes as you walked through the gates into school.

You went about your day as per usual although being at school without Jungkook was a bit lonely. You sat at lunch eating alone as you didn't have any friends at school other than Jungkook. You tried texting him during lunch but he never replied.

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