24: Reflection

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~Yoongi POV~

(After leaving Y/N's place)

I reached the door of my apartment after heading home from Y/N's house. Punching in the code for my door, I pushed it open and walked inside. The door slams hard behind me as I throw my helmet and jacket onto the couch. I walk through the living room, heading for a shower.

Water cascades down my back and on my face as I stand in the steamy shower. My memory flashes back to when I had Y/N pinned on the couch and then to her on top of me on the floor. I subconsciously smiled thinking about her face when I had her pinned underneath me. The heat of her fingertips when she touched my scar and the sound of her voice calling me daddy remained fresh in my mind. I recalled all the strange little details from the afternoon that I could weirdly remember. Things like the faint smell of her perfume and the way she bit her bottom lip. The whole scene replayed in my mind, making me smile again.

If Jungkook hadn't barged in I wonder what would have happened? Would we of... Frick of course not... it's not like I would want to... it's not like I care! But if I don't care then why did it pain me so much to see her hurt? Or why did I get shivers down my spine when she called me daddy and made me want more? Why did leaving her alone with Jungkook also annoy me as if... I was... jealous?

"Haha Yoongi as if... you're not jealous!" I say aloud, trying to convince myself as I brush aside my deep thoughts.

I turn off the shower, grab my towel and wrap it around my waist. Leaning against the counter I wipe the steam off the mirror to reveal my reflection. The truth hits me as I look at my dripping wet face staring back at me in the mirror.

"Fuck... I've fallen for her."

"No, I can't fall for her... She's so much younger than me... not that I care but she wouldn't want someone like me. For frick sake Yoongi pull yourself together."

Exiting the bathroom, I pull on a pair of grey sweatpants with a plain white t-shirt.

I head out to the kitchen when I hear the sound of my door unlocking.

"What's up Yoongi!" Jimin comes barging into my apartment with a plastic bag in his hand.

"Jimin, can you knock for once, don't just barge in!" I exclaim. I'm in no mood for company.

"Oh come on Yoongi, I brought beer and soju and fried chicken!" Jimin placed the bag on the coffee table in the living room with a big smile.

"Who said I want to drink with you?"

"It's boring being by myself, I asked Jungkook but he's hanging out with Y/N tonight."

I felt my hands turn into fists as he mentioned Jungkook being with Y/N.

"Fine, I'll drink with you." I grabbed a can of beer, cracked it open and chugged it down.

"Whoa whoa Yoongi don't drink so fast." Jimin pulled the can away.

"Are you annoyed about something?" He asked, his eyes widened in concern.

"No." I said blankly.

"Well you look annoyed... your face looks all angry and tense, you sure something's not bothering you?"

"Nothing annoys me Jimin except you right now! Why didn't you just go bother Jungkook and Y/N!"

"I did ask if I could hang with them but he said he wanted to be alone with Y/N tonight."

I scoffed at his remark "Alone huh?"

"Are you by chance Jealous?" A sly smile grew across Jimin's face.

"I am not jealous!" I started yelling without even realising my temper rising.

"Arrrggg I feel so damn irritated!" I snatched the soju bottle and took a swig.

"You like her don't you?" Jimin asked.

It felt as though my heart would burst. I felt it pounding hard in my chest and the blood rushed to my cheeks. I didn't know what to say. I knew he was right, I do like her, but I don't want to admit it.

"Ahh I knew it." Jimin let out a sigh. My eyes quickly shot to him.


"Your silence tells me you like her Yoongi."

I set the soju bottle down on the table.

"So what if I do!" I exclaim, ready to defend myself.

"I never said there is anything wrong with it." Jimin held up his hands.

"Look, don't say anything... I know she wouldn't like me." I say quietly, embarrassed that I'm confessing this to Jimin.

"Why wouldn't she?"

"Because... I'm too old." I felt the heat rushing to my face having to say these things in front of him.

"Oh... I guess you do have a bit of an age gap... but it's only what? 10 years?"

"Yeah something like that."

"That's not so bad... Plus when it comes to love, age doesn't matter." Jimin grinned and winked at me.

I sighed and took another swig of soju.

"So you're gonna confess your love?" Jimin's smile told me he is enjoying seeing me flustered way too much.

"I never said it was love!! And no I am not!" I yell, my face most likely the colour of a tomato by now.

"Why not? You don't wanna miss your chance. What if Jungkook confesses before you and takes her away! Or some other dude in her highschool!" Jimins words started making me think.

What if she ends up with Jungkook? Or what if someone else takes her away? Would I be fine with it? Would I regret not confessing? If Jungkook spending just one night with her makes me mad, what would I do if it suddenly came out that they were dating.

"Come on Yoongi, you only live once. The worst she can do is say no." Jimin was nudging my shoulder.

"Look, just stop it Jimin! I'll do whatever I damn well want. If I want to confess I will and if I don't, I won't OK!" I stood up and slid open the door to my balcony, stepping out into the fresh evening air.

What should I do?


Hiii sorry for the short chapter but still hope you enjoyed it!💜

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And Jin comes back tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

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