06: Fun and Games

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After the movie we all exited the cinema.

"Me and Y/N will head off now I guess." Jungkook turned and headed towards the car park.

"No wait! There is still plenty of time, why don't we hang out?" Jimin said with a childish grin.

"Yeah that sounds fun, there's an arcade around the corner that me and Kookie go to all the time at night!" you say this with a wide grin looking at Jungkook and he smiles back.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I'll just head home, have fun."

Jimin grabbed his arm before he could get away and smirked "No no no you're not going anywhere my little dumpling."

"Don't call me a fucking dumpling!" Yoongi says, his voice deep and cold.

"Come on, you might have fun for once!" you say, smirking at him.

"Ok let's go then!" Jimin says pulling Yoongi behind him.

You walked around the corner to the arcade. As soon as Jungkook sees it he jumps and skips inside like a little kid all excited.

Everyone else has paid for their tickets and it's just you to go.

"Total of $50 please ma'am." the man behind the counter says.

You reach into your bag and realise you forgot your wallet!

"Shit... I forgot my wallet." you say turning to the boys.

"I'll pay for you!" Jungkook raises his hand, walks over and taps his card. He pays for your tickets.

"Hey I'll pay you back as soon as I can."

"You can pay me back Friday night when I come around."

"Ok let's go have fun!" Jimin jumps and heads towards all the games. You and Jungkook head in too and Yoongi slumps behind.

"EEE TEDDIES!!!!!!" Jimin screams like a little girl.

He has spotted a claw machine filled with cute little teddies.

What the heck? You have never seen a grown man scream for teddies?! But he's so freaking cute!

"Seriously Jimin, you're like a five year old girl." Yoongi says, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Hey look over there... What about laser tag everyone?" You suggest.

"Oh yeah we haven't done laser in ages Y/N!" Jungkook runs towards the laser tag door.

"Sure I guess." Yoongi says shrugging and following Jungkook.

You elbow him slightly as he walks by, "lighten up for once you depressed cat."

He just glares at you and then flips you the finger as he walks past.

You're now all suited up and ready to play! You feel someone elbow you and turn to see Jimin grinning in front of your face, "Hey it's dark in here. Don't you just love the dark? Feel free to hold my hand if you're scared."

How the hell can this man go from a little girl screaming over teddies to some freakin hot ass sexy man!? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's messing with your brain!

"Shut up, would you Jimin you sick pervert!" Yoongi says, slapping him over the back.

"Are you guys ready to play or what?" Jungkook says.

The game starts and it's every man for himself!

You have played this game many times with Jungkook and you always beat him so this will be a piece of cake.

~Time Skip~

The game finished and everyone was panting and sweaty.

"Who won?" Jungkook askes between gasps of air.

You all look up at the leaderboard...

"Yes you bicthes I won!" You yell doing a victory dance.

"Oh come on I got second place but I was going easy on you because you are a girl. I could have easily beaten you if I wanted to!" Yoongi says, rolling his eyes at you.

You give him a look of disbelief, "Oh really!? You think you're better than me? I can beat you at any game in this arcade dumpling."

He glares at you for calling him dumpling "Oh please you're a girl! You'll wanna reconsider that statement cupcake." he smirks at you.

This freakin' man annoys you to the core. Ahhhh! He boils your blood so freakin easily. You will beat him and wipe that stupid smirk off his cute pudgy little face!

"Ok then bet! If I win more games than you, you owe me $100, and if you win more then I owe you $100."

"Deal." he says, stepping closer to your face.

You hold out your hand and he takes, you shake on it.

"Y/N do you have to make everything a competition?" Jungkook butts in between you two.

"Yes of course! I will wipe that smug little grin off his face." you stomp out of the laser tag room.

~After an hour of playing games against Yoongi~

"Ok we have played 27 games let's see who won." You say.

Jimin pulls out his phone which he has been keeping score on. "Okayyy let's see Yoongi you got 13 points and Y/N you got... 14!"

"YES! told you I'm better than you dumpling!" you yell out so everyone in the arcade turns and looks.

You step close in front of Yoongi and hold out your hand, he looks a little confused and a slight blush comes over him. "The money, hand over my $100 dumpling."

He digs into his pocket, grabs out his wallet, and counts out $100 dollars while looking pissed.

"Fine here." he hands it out to you but just as you're about to grab it he swings his arm up above his head.

"But on one condition... you can't call me dumpling ever again."

"Hey, no conditions were allowed." you say, jumping for the money.

"Give it to me!" You continue jumping, trying to reach the money above his head. Just as you jump, he steps back slightly making you lose your balance and tumble on top of him.

You both end up on the floor, you on top of Yoongi. You push yourself up off his chest and look down at him. Your eyes lock with his for a second, making your heart pound so you quickly snatch the money out of his hand and jump up.

"Thanks dumpling." you smirk as you look down at him.

Jungkook grabs your arm and pulls you towards him "Y/N are you alright? You didn't hurt yourself did you?"

"I'm fine Kookie." You reply looking into his worried eyes.

Yoongi gets up and dusts off his pants, "Think you broke one of my ribs."

"Shut up." you slap his chest annoyed at his comment.

"Well I guess we should get going, right Yoongi?" Jimin pulls him by the arm waving goodbye and heads out the door.


So sorry it took us so long to put out this next chapter! we on vacation so have been a bit behind🥲🥲 Hope y'all enjoy this chapter mwahahaha! We will try and get the next chapter out ASAP but our lives are super busy (or we're just lazy) 🤭🤭 Please leave a comment below 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ Love you our little TeeHees! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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