26: Hurt

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"Don't come over!"

"I don't feel like company!"



Why isn't he responding! Honestly he's so annoying.

You tried texting Jimin after he asked to come around but before you could think of a way to politely tell him no he randomly said yes. Now he's left you hanging with no reply.

Ahh does that mean he's coming or not!? Whatever, I'm changing into comfy clothes.

You head up to your room and change into a big hoodie and comfy shorts and head back down to find some food. Heading to the kitchen you hear a knock on the front door.

That's not...

You head to the door and open it cautiously to reveal an overly smiley Jimin.

You sigh "Jimin... Did you not see my texts?"

"What texts?" Jimin replied, acting all innocent.

"The ones where I said no!"

"No oops.. Well I guess since we're already here we should just hang out a bit." He pushes his way through the door and Yoongi appears from behind him and follows.

"Guys! You can't just barge into my house!" You raise your voice closing the door.

"I brought chicken and beer." Jimin holds up two plastic bags.

Argh I am hungry... and fried chicken... I can't resist.

You sigh in defeat "Fineee... I guess I am hungry and I can't resist fried chicken."

Jimin smiles and sets the bags on the coffee table in the living room. You walk over to join them. You all make yourselves comfortable sitting on the floor around the table. Jimin and Yoongi sit on one side while you sit opposite. Jimin reaches for the bag removing all the components, a case of beer, soju, and lots of fried chicken. The smell of hot sweet and spicy chicken fills the room making your stomach rumble in hunger.

"Here help yourself." Jimin hands you a box of chicken, your mouth drools as you take it.

You start eating, the chicken tasting heavenly with the perfect amount of sweet and spicy.

"So how are you doing?" Jimin speaks up.

"Fine." You reply after swallowing a piece of chicken.

"I didn't know if you would be feeling lonely tonight, I heard you spent most evenings with Jungkook."

"Yeah... we did. Tonight's not so bad but I can't stand the thought of Friday nights alone." Your tone softens as you recall memories.

"We used to take turns at each other's places. One week was my place and next was his so on... we kept this up since we were 10. I can't believe we hardly missed a week for eight years." You slightly laugh recalling memories.

You notice Jimin smiling but Yoongi seems to be annoyed for some reason.

"Wow eight years, that's a long time." Jimin takes another piece of chicken.

"Yeah I know. I didn't even realise how long we've been doing it. Guess it just became a normal weekly thing we would do. It's because of my dad's work. He's rarely home on Friday nights as he works an hour away so it's sometimes easiest for him to stay down for the night. It was good though after a long week of schooling, relaxing on a Friday night with Jungkook was what I needed. He always made me feel so relaxed and we had so much fun together." Your smile softens as you think of how you won't be having those Friday night's for a while.

"I'll miss those nights."

"Wow I didn't realise how much you guys got along!" Jimin replies but you hear Yoongi scoff in the corner. You look over to him but he darts his eyes away opening a beer.

"Yeah we did... he was always there for me when I needed someone. He knew how to make me smile whenever I was down. I'll miss him." You felt your eyes watering a little thinking about him.

"Sorry didn't mean to make you cry." Jimin hands you a beer.

You take it "Thanks."

"Crybaby" You look over as Yoongi rolls his eyes.

The heck! Rude I am not a crybaby! My best friend just left me! Does he not care about me at all!?

You crack open the beer and chug some of it down.

Sipping his beer, Jimin asks "Where's your dad at?"

"Working as usual... he went to Busan so he won't be back till tomorrow. I won't be surprised if it takes longer though." You chug the rest of your beer down.

"Does he ever come home?" Yoongi scoffs in the corner.


Your phone starts ringing startling you, you look around you on the floor and finally locate it. "This is him now." You say as you answer it.





"Hey sorry sweetie but um the deal I'm working on in Busan... the client wants us to come to his business for a few days to review and finalise some things..."

"Ok and?"

"Well his business is located in Russia..."

"Russia!? That's so far away."

"Yes I know but I don't have any choice... if I don't go we'll lose the deal and that will cause great losses for the company. It will only be for a week or two."

"A week or two! Seriously! Do you even care about me! My best friend just left me and I can hardly even see my own father!"

"Sweetie please, I'm sorry. I'll come back and take some days off to spend with you I promise."

"Look whatever I don't care, just go!"

~You hang up~

You slam your phone on the floor enraged. Jimin and Yoongi look at you confused.

You snatch the soju bottle and twist off the cap chugging down the alcohol then slam it down on the table. You feel your throat burn but not from the soju, you're going to cry. You don't want to cry in front of Jimin and Yoongi but you can't help it.

"Umm Y/N..." Jimin speaks up softly. He looks at you with concerned eyes. "Are you ok? What was that phone call about?"

You pull your legs up resting your chin on your knees. "It was just dad... I knew he wouldn't be home tomorrow. He has to go to Russia for a couple weeks." Your voice catches as you try to push back the tears.

You slide your head down now resting your forehead on your knees hiding your face from them. You feel tears start to stream down your face.

"I basically haven't seen him all month." you whisper.

You can tell Jimin and Yoongi are unsure of what to do with this sobbing pathetic little girl. You push back your tears as Jimin moves over to hug you.

"It's alright I'm used to it. I didn't expect him to come back tomorrow anyway. Let's not kill the mood and have some fun!" You break away from Jimin's hug to grab another beer, crack it open and take a sip.

Jimin and Yoongi both look at each other then back at you with concerned faces.

"What? Come on!" You force a fake smile onto your face.

"You sure you're alright?" Jimin asks softly.

"Of course, I'm fine! Should we play a game?" You hop up to go find a game.

[A/N] OK sorry not much happened here but OH! If you only knew what comes next😈😈😂 Pls leave a comment and let us know what you think so far. Thanks for reading💜💜💜

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