16: Blood Of Our Enemies

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You enter the bar which is dimly lit with vintage light bulbs hanging from the ceiling giving out a dim red glow. The walls are all painted black with a red accent. The main wall in front of you has a big neon sign spelling out DIABLO in red lights, and along each wall opposite are small booths with red plush seats and small round tables. Along the back wall under the 'DIABLO' sign is the main bar which is red with a black marble countertop. The room is longer than it is wide with a large bit of floor space in the middle that each booth opens onto. Another bulky man is working behind the bar with a towel thrown over his shoulder.

"Wassup Y/N! You brought some new boys with you." the man behind the bar winks at you. As you're about to answer you're dumped onto one of the red booth couches with a bump. Jimin and Yoongi quietly slide in next to you.

"What are you going to be drinking tonight?" Larry asks you and the boys.

"Umm We'll have 3 glasses of blood from our enemies please." you give Yoongi and Jimin a big smirk.

"Um Y/N what is the blood of our enemies?" Jimin asks concerningly.

You don't answer him, just widen your smirk. Larry goes to the bar and prepares your drinks.

"Did you dump your dear Kookie?" a man is suddenly in your face.

"Geez Garth where did you even come from!" you back away his face. It's the other man from behind the counter.

You glance at Yoongi who looks confused and concerned.

"Don't worry dumpling, these men are very friendly. I've known them for years now."

"Hahaha I remember the first time Jungkook brought you here Y/N. We gave you one too many and you were all over your Kookie." Garth chuckles in his deep voice.

Your face starts turning red from the memory "SHUT UP GARTH!" you slap your hand across his face in embarrassment.

He pretends to look hurt even though you know your hit didn't affect him a bit.

"Aww come on, you were so cute!"

You look at Yoongi and Jimin who look even more confused than when they arrived.

"Here you are 3 blood of our enemies." Larry interrupts your conversation by placing three big cups of red liquid on the table.

"Ummm what IS this?" Jimin sniffs the liquid concerned.

"Oh don't worry, I only added a tablespoon of blood! Drink it like a man." Larry says with a serious face.

Jimin gulps "Hehe a tablespoon of blood ay?" he nervously says.

"You're so gullible Jimin." Yoongi rolls his eyes at Jimin.

"I'll show you how to drink like a man." Yoongi says, grabbing his mug.

"If you want to prove yourself you're gonna have to beat our champion." Larry lays a hand on your shoulder.

Yoongi looks at you doubtingly "Her? She's your champion? Pfft easy."

You grab you mug to signal the start of the challenge "Bet!"

"Ok 3, 2, 1 chugaluga!" Garth yells and you start pouring down your throat as fast as you can.

You thump your glass down on the table as you finish letting out a big sigh.

Yoongi finishes soon after. You give him a 'ha beat you' look.

"What I tell you, that's my girl." Larry says like a proud father.

"Whatever it's because she has a big mouth." Yoongi scoffs.

"Shut up" you snap back, he just sticks out his tongue in return.

You turn to Jimin who is still smelling his drink concerningly debating if he's going to drink it or not.

"Jimin, there's no blood." you reassure him.

He looks at you with relieved eyes as he picks up his mug, slowly bringing it to his mouth. Everyone watches in anticipation as he takes a swig and sets it down. He has a blank face for a few seconds until finally his eyes light up and he takes another swig.

"This stuff is good man! what's in it?" Jimin bursts out in enjoyment.

Larry smirks "Wouldn't you like to know?? Sadly it's all a secret."

Jimin lets out a sigh but changes the topic, "Y/N how do you know this place?"

"Through Jungkook." you say as you lean back to relax on the soft red couch. You sigh as you remember the day he brought you here.

"I was at a real low point, family stuff you know, and I was really done with my life at the time. My father was staying out late and would come home either angry or not at all. I was needing a place to escape to and relax a bit and then Jungkook brought me here. I was having a particularly bad day and had been bitchy to him all afternoon but him being the sweetheart he is, he understood everything I was going through and comforted me. He brought me here and sat me down in this very seat where he introduced Larry and Garth. They've been like family ever since. This is like my second home (after Kookie's place of course.)" You take a deep breath after talking so much and then realize how much you just opened up. You slide back into your seat as if that will protect you from their interested gazes. Jimin half says something then stops himself and Yoongi seems confused. Finally Jimin can't help his curiosity and asks softly "Where was your mom?"

Oh... right. They don't know.

You take another deep breath as this part really cuts deep. Eventually you whisper, "She passed away in a car accident. I was 13."

Yoongi says nothing and Jimin slides closer to hold your hand and rests his head on your shoulder. "I'm so sorry." He says as he squeezes your hand tighter.

You look him in the eyes and smile faintly,

"It's ok. It was 5 years ago. And besides, this place helps lift my spirits whenever I feel down about it."

All of a sudden the room starts clapping in sync, pulling you and Jimin away from your sentimental moment. Larry is in the middle of the open floor which the small booths surround, he holds a guitar in his hand.

A loud voice shouts from the crowd of people in the booths "Come on Larry play for us!"

Everyone is clapping to encourage him to play and you join in "Yeah Larry!" you yell.

He grabs a small wooden stool dragging it to the edge of the open floor and sits holding his guitar ready to play. The clapping goes silent as he starts to strum a soft tune. The sound of guitar fills the room with a sweet slow melody, everyone falling for his soft strumming of the guitar calming the entire room. You notice Garth going to the door and opening it. a figure walks into the room and as it comes into the dim light near your booth you recognize him. "Jungkook?" The figure approaches your booth "Y/N? What are you doing here? And Jimin? Yoongi?" he asks as he slides in next to Yoongi.

"We all just ran into each other during the day." You say smiling.

"Yeah annoyingly enough... and somehow we ended up here." Yoongi adds

"Ah I see." Jungkook says as he removes his leather jacket to reveal a red t-shirt which is tucked into his black ripped jeans, a fitting outfit for the atmosphere.

Jungkook turns, noticing Larry in the open space playing his guitar. A smirk appears across his face as he slowly turns back to you and you know what he's thinking.


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