04: Pink

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After last night you and Jungkook finally talked it over and were now back to being best friends. Everything continued as normal.

You went with Jungkook to school everyday as usual and hung out with him after school as well.

You haven't seen Yoongi for weeks now. You were kinda happy to have Jungkook back to yourself.

It sounds selfish but you're so used to it being only you and him that when Yoongi arrived you got jealous in a way. But you noticed that you keep thinking of Yoongi for some reason, like you can't get him out of your head.

"Hey Y/N!" Jungkook is running towards you waving something in the air.

He reaches you and bends over placing his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

"What is it?" you are almost concerned of why he ran all the way here.

He looks up at you and waves 2 tickets in the air smiling ear to ear.

"I got tickets to the Barbie Movie to watch Saturday night!"

You snatch one of the tickets out of his hand, "No way!"

You inspect the ticket and sure enough it's to watch Barbie!

You have been wanting to watch Barbie since it was released but Tickets are always selling out.

"Jungkook how!?" You scream, grabbing him by the shoulders, shaking him with excitement.

"Well I knew someone who was going to go but their girlfriend dumped him so yeah he doesn't really want them anymore and I bought them off of him." He replies.

"No way I can't believe it! I get to watch Barbie!" You scream, still holding onto Jungkook as you're now jumping.

'I know!" He jumps with you.

You're now both screaming and jumping around like two 13 year old fan girls.

You stop jumping and let go of him looking up at him. You give him an evil grin.

His smile quickly fades.. "Y/N what are you thinking?"

"Oh... hehehe..." You evilly giggle and rub your hands together. "You have to wear an all pink outfit with me."

His eyes widened "Y/N don't do this to me please." he pleads while bowing.

"Oh come on Jungkookie it will be fun, you have to wear pink to the Barbie movie." You say, now pleading and giving him your best impression of puppy dog eyes.

He takes a deep breath, "Fine but I am not wearing pink pants!"

"Deal!" you say holding out your hand to shake on it.

He takes your small hand in his big masculine one gently and shakes on it.


"Let's go!" you pull his hand to follow you.

"Where are we going Y/N?"

"To go shopping!"

"Oh yay!" he says sarcastically.

You let go of him and place your hands on your hips, "Well neither of us own anything pink do we?"

He scratches the back of his head thinking "Yeah ok you're right, I don't."

You continue to his Jeep and then head to the mall.

~Time Skip~

After hours of walking around the mall looking for pink clothes you both finally got your outfits for watching the Barbie movie tomorrow night.

You got a pink pleated mini skirt and a matching white top with the barbie logo on the back. Jungkook got the same top with a pink denim jacket and hot pink cap. You tried to get him to buy the pink jeans but he refused so you eventually gave up.

Jungkook dropped you off at your home around 8.

You crash as soon as you reach your bed. You were so tired from all the shopping.

You awake to the sun shining brightly on your face and you roll over trying to avoid it. You look over to your night stand to look at the time. "12pm!" you yell in shock as you quickly jump out of bed. "How did I sleep so much! Jungkook's picking me up at 4pm that only gives me... 4 hours to get ready!" you run to your bathroom to have a shower and start to get ready.

Of course 4 hours seems like plenty of time but you have so much to do and 4 hours will go by fast for you.

You shower, change, do your hair and make-up and next thing you know it's 3:55pm.

You do one final check in the mirror before heading out to wait for Jungkook.

You sit on your front step waiting for his black Jeep to pull up.

At 4pm on the dot it comes and you hop in to see Jungkook sitting there wearing so much pink you can't help but giggle. You notice he's now wearing pink jeans. "I thought you weren't going to wear pink jeans." now not being able to control your laughter.

"Shut up! My mom made me wear them ok! She said I'm not allowed to watch Barbie unless I do.' he snaps back, not looking impressed with your laughter.

"I love your mom." you continue to laugh.

"Let's just go." he drives off.

After about a 30 minute drive you finally arrive at the theatre!

After parking you both hop out and head towards the theatre.

"We arrived at a good time, the movie doesn't start for another 20 minutes!" Jungkook says cheerfully as you approach the line to check in.

"I'll check in, there might be a wait looking at the line... while I do this do you wanna get the popcorn and drinks?" He says lining up.

"Yeah sure no problem, with extra butter right?" You ask with a wink

He winks back "Obviously."

You both snicker.

You head off to the snack and drink station.

This place is so neat. It's huge, has a classic touch to it and red carpet everywhere.

You reach the snack and drink station and line up, there are only about 3 people ahead of you. You look over to see Jungkook still waiting in line, you can't help but giggle at the sight of him in almost all pink.

"Excuse me." A voice from behind you says.

You turn around.

Oh wow he is gorgeous! A man stands in front of you with pink hair like cotton candy, full beautiful plump lips, and a handsome face with cute chubby cheeks.

"Sorry I noticed your shoelace was untied and didn't want you trippin on your beautiful face." The man says with a sweet smile.

You look down to see your sneakers untied.

"Oh I didn't notice." You say with a blush across your face.

He then gets on one knee bending over, grabbing your shoe laces. "I'll tie them for you."

Who is this handsome, kind man!? You're melting on the inside. No boy has ever tied your shoelaces for you or called you beautiful before. Your stomach is filled with butterflies.

After tying your shoe he stands back up and smiles at you making you blush again.

"You didn't have to do that... Thanks." you say shyly.

He notices and giggles "No problem, anytime gorgeous."

He adds a wink on the end which makes you blush even more.

"See ya." he waves.

"Next!" the worker yells at the snack station, snapping you back from your daze.


Hey guys👋

Sorry just thought we'd better apologies for the terrible editing skills before we go much further.🤭 As you can tell we're very new to this so please be kind.

Luv ya💜💜

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