25: Departures

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(The day of Jungkook's departure)


You've been dreading this day since Jungkook told you he would have to leave for training. You don't want him to leave, he's your only close friend. You don't know what you will do without him. But he kept reassuring you that you would be fine and that he would come back as soon as possible.

"You got everything you need honey?" Jungkook's mum was standing in their front doorway, checking that he didn't forget anything.

"Yes mum I've triple checked I got everything ok." Jungkook reassured his mum for the fourth time today.

"Ok, ok you'll be fine." She tried relaxing but was clearly nervous about sending him away for so long.

"Mum, I'll be fine. It's only for a few months. I'll be back soon and I'll call you as much as I can." He wrapped his arms around his mum.

You stood by the door waiting to leave for the airport with him.

He released his mum giving her a kiss on the cheek "Ok I'd better go. I'll message you once I board the plane."

"Alright I'll miss you and be safe." She gives him a kiss on the forehead before letting him go.

He walks over to me with his suitcases "Sorry I'm ready to go now."

You force a smile on your face as you grab one of his cases and head out to Jimin who is waiting in the car to drop you off.

"Took you long enough." Yoongi rolled down the window.

You rolled your eyes.

"Sorry, saying goodbyes to my mum." Jungkook placed his luggage in the back.

You shut the boot after it was loaded and climbed in the backseat with Jungkook. Jimin started the car and you headed off to the airport.

The drive was silent, no one spoke. You felt too upset to chat so you looked out the window, watching the cars pass by on the highway.

You soon reach the airport. Jimin parks the car and you all get out removing the luggage from the back.

Jungkook checks in and you all head to his gate. You feel a lump in your throat as you get closer and closer to saying goodbye.

You look up as you arrive at his gate.

"Looks like this is my gate." Jungkook looks around with a smile but you know it's fake and forced.

"Well I hope everything goes well Jungkook, and come back soon." Jimin pulls him in for a hug.

"Don't mess up and work hard." Yoongi pats his back.

Jungkook smiles warmly "Thanks, I would have never got this far without your help." he bows in thanks.

You stand off a little from the circle staring at the ground, trying to hold back tears. Jungkook steps away from the guys nearing you.

"Hey." He waves in your face but you don't move.

"Look at me." He pulls your face up and notices the tears in your eyes.

"Hey don't cry or you'll make me cry too and I can't cry in front of my hyungs." He smiles making you smile.

"Sorry It's just going to be lonely without you."

"You really need to make more friends." He jokes.

You punch him in the shoulder playfully "Shut up."

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