03: Apologies

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Next thing you know it's morning again and Jungkook is waiting outside for you.

You wouldn't have gone with him, but since he's already here you decide that you will since he came all this way.

You hop into his Jeep and shut the door rather more forcefully.

"Good morning." Jungkook looks at you with a big grin.

How is he so casual about this? You are clearly mad at him.

You don't reply and give him the cold shoulder the whole day.

Giving Jungkook the cold shoulder was hard. You aren't used to ignoring and staying away from him. You're so used to always talking to him and being around him all day.

~ Time Skip ~

School is finally out! You race outside as the weather today is so beautiful. The sun is shining brightly in the sky and it's the perfect temperature of 20 degrees. You decided you wanted to walk home. Firstly you didn't want to go with Jungkook as you're still mad at him, and also the weather is too beautiful to be driving in a car when you could be walking.

You start heading out of the gate when you feel something pulling you back by your backpack. Your body is pulled into someone.

You turn, expecting it to be Jungkook, but you look up to see Yoongi's face looking back at yours. He's so close you can feel his breath tickle your skin.

"Let go! What are you doing?" You yell out, pushing him back.

He let's go "Calm it kid. Where's Jungkook?" he asks, looking around me expecting him to be there.

"How should I know!" You yell out in anger. He looks shocked by your reply as he takes a small step back, looking slightly concerned.

He then shrugs, walking off back to the parking lot.

You storm out the gate towards home.

As you're about to cross the street you notice Jungkook's black Jeep drive out of the parking lot, but you notice something. There is someone sitting in the passenger seat where you always sit. And when you notice who it is it makes you even angrier with the annoyingly handsome stranger.

"YOONGI!? WHAT THE HELL!?" You scream louder than you ever have before.

Where the heck is Jungkook going with Yoongi!

Instead of walking home you stomp home. As soon as you reach your house you go to your room, slamming the door which shakes the whole house.

What on earth can they be doing together? Jungkook has never hung out with anyone other than you! And now he suddenly has a new best friend!

Ok so you may be overreacting a little bit. But you're so used to it being only you and Jungkook, and now that Yoongi suddenly showed up in your lives it scares you to lose the only friend you have.

After hours of steaming and screaming in your room you finally decide to be sensible.

You grab your phone and call Jungkook.

~ Riiinggg... Riiiinnng ~

"What's up?" a raspy voice answers

"Oh hey, sorry I know it's late..." you say as you nervously twist your hair around your finger.

"Yeah it's like 1 am! But I'm listening, what's wrong?" he replies.

"Can you meet me at our childhood spot?" you ask.

"Ahhhhhhhh seriously!? Again it's 1 am." he says, sounding tired.

You feel bad for asking so late but you really want to talk to him face to face.

After the short silence he agrees to come.

"Ok see you in 5 minutes." you say hanging up.

You feel a surge of energy run through your veins as you throw on your hoodie and slip out your window, heading down the street.

You made it to the spot.

The "spot" is a small playground you and Jungkook would always play at when you were little and as you got older it became your meeting spot. You often snuck out at night to meet up and talk.

You see Jungkook, a long dark figure wearing sweatpants, a large hoodie, and slides swinging slowly back and forth on the swing.

You go grab the swing next to him.

He looks at you yawning so wide that you can basically see all the way down his throat.

"Why did you call me out here so late Y/N?" he asks, turning his swing to face you.

You feel warmth rush to your face as you now feel a bit dumb calling him all the way here. After all, you only want to ask a question that will make you sound so jealous and protective or something. But you push it out anyway.

"Well... why have you never mentioned Yoongi before?" you ask, turning away from him to stare straight ahead.

A small laugh leaves Jungkook's lips "Is this what it's about? Yoongi?"

"Well, you never mentioned him before and now all of a sudden he's meeting you at school and you're going around with him and... and keeping secrets from me with him!" You pour out to him.

Then, quickly realizing how jealous you must seem, you pull up your hood to cover your face as it is quickly turning red.

Jungkook leans back in the swing facing up to the sky. You notice how the stars reflect in his black eyes. It's like a whole galaxy looking out at you.

He notices you looking at him and quickly pulls himself back up.

"The reason I have never really mentioned him before is because I only recently met him. I didn't think it was really of any importance to mention him cause I thought you really wouldn't care too much. The times he's come to school has only been twice. The first was to ask me about something, and the second time was because he needed a ride somewhere farther away. He doesn't have a car so I offered him a ride. And secrets? I don't really know what you're talking about. I'm not keeping secrets from you I.. I would never keep secrets from you, you know that." He spills all this out in a soft quiet voice as he's staring at the ground.

You feel so stupid! You just assumed all this crap! It turns out he wasn't even hiding anything. And all you did was ignore him and give him the cold shoulder. You feel awful.

He lets go of the swing, standing up.

"Jungkook!" You grab his hand before he can walk away.

You quickly get up and wrap your arms around his waist.

"Jungkook... I'm sorry." you say muffled. Your face is buried into his hoodie and you can't help but notice that familiar friendly smell of his.

You feel his arms slowly wrap around you as he pats your head.

"No Y/N I'm sorry."


Hey guys!

Sorry this one was a bit more boring. We'll try to make it up in the next chapter 😉 Hope you guys still enjoyed it though ❤️ Leave us comment down below and tell us what you think!

Chapter 4 will be coming out soon!

Love y'all ❤️❤️

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