18: Truth Or Dare

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[Editor's Note] OK so before you continue with this chapter I'd like to quickly add that this is our first story so you'll need to forgive us for being inconsistent but I've made a change to the editing system. So in previous chapters you may have noticed that when the story switches pov it continues on as 2nd person (Meaning the pov is referred to as 'you'). Now since we're still learning with this whole writing thing we've decided to change this so that when the story switches pov it will also change to 1st person (meaning now instead of 'you' the pov will be 'I'). Sorry for the random change but hope this makes sense and pls enjoy the chapter💜💜

~Jungkook's POV~

I want to kiss her...

Without thinking I start moving my head closer to her our lips almost brushing against each other just as I get close enough. Suddenly Y/N pushed herself back up from the dip making me stand up and part from her. The crowd cheered loudly for our dance. I look over to Y/N who's smiling brightly and curtsying to the crowd and I bow to the crowd alongside her.

Y/N leaves the dance floor first, heading over to Yoongi and Jimin. I follow behind her thinking about what just happened.

I was so close to her lips that if she didn't move I would have... Jungkook control yourself! She's your best friend! You can't let her know.


"Wow gorgeous you were amazing! And that dress looks so sexy on you." Jimin winks as you sit down at your table again. you slide in next to Yoongi and Jungkook follows in next to you.

"Stop Jimin." You blush at that fact Jimin called you sexy.

You look down at your lap in embarrassment and notice that when sitting down the slit in your dress shows almost your whole leg. This makes you feel insecure and even more embarrassed. You look at Jungkook who has noticed the slit. He takes off his suit jacket and covers your lap with it.

"Thanks Kookie." you whisper to him.

Jungkook has always been considerate, kind, and very gentleman-like. Plus you can't deny he is very handsome too, you get why all the girls at school fall for him.

"Ok! Who wants some shots!" Larry approaches your table with a board of shots and places it in the centre of the table.

"This is on the house by the way, payment for the show you put on." He adds, handing a shot glass to you and Jungkook then to Yoongi and Jimin.

"Cheers!" Jimin yells, extending his arm. You all clink your shot glasses together and knock 'em back.

"Should we play a game?" Jimin asks, setting down his shot glass.

By the look on Jimin's face you have a bad feeling about this.

"What game?" you ask.

A smirk comes across his face "Truth or Dare... shot version."

"Really Jimin?' Yoongi looks unimpressed.

"Aww come on Yoongi... you scared?" Jimin asks, poking his arm.

Yoongi lets out a sigh "No I'm not scared! It just sounds like a stupid game."

"Should we just play one or two rounds to make him happy?" Jungkook says.

"Fine" both you and Yoongi let out a sigh.

"Yay! Me first!" Jimin claps his hands together like a little kid who just got a toy.

"Jungkook... Truth or dare?"

"Truth I guess."

"Do you like someone?" Jimins smirk grows.

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