20: Jealous

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~Jungkook's POV~

I was peacefully sleeping on the couch in Y/N's living room until I was awoken by her footsteps racing down the stairs. I sit up on the couch to see her run past me to the door and try to open it. I leap behind her and grab her arm that is holding the door handle.

"It's locked... where are you going?" I ask.

She looks at me, her cheeks still flushed red from all the alcohol. It's only been an hour since I put her to bed.

"To Yoongi." she says as she breaks my grip off her wrist and goes to unlock the door.

I slip my arm around her waist and pull her back away from the door, lock it and then drag her over to the couch.

"Why do you want to see him?" I ask, sounding more aggressive then I realise.

She continues to try and break free from my grip. "I have to thank him!"


I am so confused. Why does she need to thank Yoongi?

"Let me gooo Kookie!" she whines as she tries to push my arm away.

I start to feel a heat build up in me.

Why does she have to see Yoongi? And why does she seem so desperate!

Was I feeling... Jealous?

"I need to go to Yoongi!!"

"WHY?" I yell. Without thinking, I pick her up and throw her down onto the couch so she can't run away. My body looms over her. She looks shocked at my sudden actions but she still continues to whine.

"Let me see Yoongi!" She starts pounding on my chest with her fists.

The heat I feel burns hotter the more she screams his name.

"WHY DO YOU WANT TO SEE YOONGI?" I yell out again, grabbing her hands and pinning them down.

She goes silent... "Because he saved me... and I didn't thank him!"

"What do you mean he saved you?" I start to relax, realising how worked up I'm getting over most likely nothing.

She turns her head away avoiding eye contact.

"From the girls..." she says quietly as if she doesn't want me to hear.

I back off of her allowing her to pull herself up and sit criss-cross facing me as I lean on the back of the couch.

"Tell me what happened? What girls?"

"I don't know them all, only the ones that start with Bs." she mumbled.

"Bs? So what did he save you from then?"

"He just saved me from getting beat up is all."

"What the hell!? Beat up!?"

"Yeah, by a gang."


"Yeah I slapped one of them and they got mad."

"Why did you slap a gang member!"

"Because I didn't like her face."


"It's ok we didn't get fully beaten up." she giggled like it was funny to be ganged up on by a gang.

"Why would you mess with a gang?"

"It looked like fun? I don't know." she shrugged.

"Don't worry me and Yoongi ran away when it started to get serious."

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