11: Confused

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You and Jimin enter the studio, Jungkook and Yoongi are both glaring at you as you walk in. You avoid their eye contact by looking at the ground. You soon realise that Jimin is still holding your hand as he pulls you towards the corner of the studio. He sits down in the corner and pulls your hand to make you sit next to him. You sit and he lets go of your hand and then looks at you. He glances back to Jungkook and Yoongi who are still watching you with glaring eyes.

Jimin turns back to you again, "Sorry about that... you see she was my ex and she won't ever leave me alone. I've lied and told her I have a girlfriend but she didn't believe me so when I saw her I thought I would make it seem like you're my girlfriend. Hopefully she'll leave me alone now."

You look back at Jimin and smile "I understand, she seems like the annoying type... guess I'm glad I could help."

Jimin laughs and you laugh with him but you soon stop when you turn to see the two sets of glaring eyes closer to you than before.

Why are they glaring at us like that! It's starting to get creepy! Like why aren't they saying anything?

To break the awkwardness you decided it's best for you to leave now.

"Wellll," you say slowly, "I guess I'll be leaving now... see you 'round!" you quickly grab your things and leave.

~Jimin's POV (You are now Jimin)~

You watch as Y/N leaves the studio. As soon as she's out the door, you feel someone hovering above you. You slowly look up to see Jungkook and Yoongi both looking down at you arms crossed and eyes glaring.

You give them your famous innocent smile hoping it would help. "Hehe soo guys how'd the dance practice go?"

They both remain stoned faced... a few seconds of awkward silence passed and finally Yoongi burst "JIMIN WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING WITH Y/N BEOFRE HUH?'


You stand up and slowly back away but they both follow you getting closer and closer.

"Hehe come on guys chill, it was no big deal... I just kissed her..." you answered nervously as they approached you closer.


"Listen, she agreed to kiss me too you know..." you say, avoiding Jungkook's glare.

Jungkook looks shocked by this answer and lets you go.

Yoongi steps in front "She what?"

You try hard to hide a grin, this is starting to get interesting.

"She agreed to kiss me, it's not like I just jumped on her."

"Like hell she did!" Yoongi says stepping closer so your back is to the wall.

"Yeah she did, didn't you see she kissed me back after I kissed her?"

Jungkook and Yoongi stop and look at each other.

Man they are really worked up that I kissed Y/N... I was going to tell them the truth about the situation but this seems like more fun to lead them on. Evil aren't I? I wonder how long I can kid them for?

"You did see her kiss me back didn't you?" You say taking a step closer to them as they now back away.

"Ok yes but.." Jungkook starts to say

"But what?" you interrupt crossing your arms.

"But it doesn't really mean anything.." Yoongi continues.

"Why does this bother you guys anyways?" You confront them, standing as tall as you can and putting on the most intimidating face you can manage.

"Because she is my best friend!" Jungkook replies quickly. "I care about her safety as much as any friend should!"

"Ok ok fair enough." You look over at Yoongi, "And why does it bother you?"

Yoongi quickly looks up from where he had become suddenly interested in his shoes, "I never said it bothered me!"

"Then why were you interrogating me and yelling at me before?" You say taking a big step towards him so you are now face to face.

"I was just curious. I didn't think she was your type. It's not like I care who she kisses or anything, you can go ahead and kiss her again if you really want. I don't give a shit what you do to her ok. Now get your ugly face away from me!" Yoongi pushes you back and storms out of the studio.

Jungkook steps in front of you, "Listen, Y/N is my best friend so don't go around messing with her like other girls ok. I don't want to see her hurt and if you do hurt her, trust me I will hurt you more. I don't care if you're my friend." he turns and walks out leaving you alone in the studio.

Well well isn't this interesting!


You just hopped out of the shower and sit down on your bed, you think back to what happened with Jimin.

I can't believe he kissed me! It's not so much that it's the fact that we like ahhhhhhhhh made out!! What the flip? How'd I end up doing that like I never expected to kiss him or anything? It just kinda happened and all that!

You kick up your feet and lie on your bed to face the ceiling.

Ok but not going to lie I didn't mind it... wait wait wait! Y/N does that mean you like him? No it can't mean that? Can it? Like he was just good at kissing that's all.... Right? Well what else would it mean stupid? I don't know!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is too much for my brain... maybe it's because I haven't been kissed in awhile. Yeah that's it right? There is no way I could like him. Yeah no wayyy! Just forget it Y/N it's not like it's going to happen again... Is it?

All the questions in your head muddle up and you soon drift off to sleep where you, for some odd reason, dream of the bitch from school.


Hey hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a comment to let us know what you think. We would love some feedback! ❣️ Once again we're sorry with the long awaited chapter but we're on summer break so falling a bit behind with pumping out chapters 😬😬 But we will try to get back on top! 😻

Thanks for reading 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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