Requests and Rules

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   Hey there! This is the new book of one shots I promised. I hope these are much easier and enjoyable to read! They are much more like full stories than the old ones, and I've written them to be over three times longer than the old ones! I hope you'll have fun reading them!

   There won't be a schedule, but I am pretty much always writing them. I'll put one out every week or so until I run out of prewritten ones, then it will probably be a much more sporadic. Don't worry, though, these will probably be things I write for a long time! It just might not be on a schedule like most of my other stories (go check those out, if you like this book, btw! They aren't x readers, but I would appreciate if you check out my other works if you have the time/interest).
   I'm here to cover some ground rules really quickly.

   Requests! So, I am okay with requests, either in my DMs or as comments on different parts. These can be requests for specific characters as priority or a part for the character's existing one shots. The one thing I want to put as a small disclaimer, I cannot—and I mean CANNOT—guarantee I will write it in a timely matter. But, in terms of what I'm willing to write, the list is pretty long. I will not write rape or anything of the sort as a main plot for a oneshot, but I can use it as a backstory. I will also not be writing incest, at all. And I mean, that's pretty much it. If that ever changes, I will make a list of what I won't write.
   So, in terms of how I'm doing this. Characters will have oneshots that are several parts. For example, if I wrote a oneshot for Iwaizumi, the title of the chapter would look like this:

   (Title of oneshot)—Iwaizumi Hajime (1).

   Then another part would have a two. I can make oneshots without a number, and those wouldn't have another part. Most of the time, oneshots will have multiple parts. I just kind of like doing that way. I can also write actual one shots that are literally one part and done, it'll just mean some characters have multiple one shots sometimes.

   I also ask that you don't be a dick in my comments, if you plan on actively commenting. I am open to criticism, however I will not tolerate you berating me, someone in the comments, or any other people baselessly. If you want to spoil later oneshot parts should you decide to reread, put a spoiler tag in your comments. I would love for you all to be active in this fic, so long as you are respectful!

Generally some things about you change with each one shot. I do not give specific heights, for example, but I may give references for how tall you might be. Sometimes you're short, and sometimes you're tall. But, generally, you can ignore that and go with what you want.

A small guide for possible acronyms:

Your name

Last name


Hair colour

Eye colour

Favourite colour

Best friend's name

Favourite movie


So anyway, enjoy the oneshots! (Also get ready for a bunch of early 2000s references since this show is set in 2012 lmao. Also be ready for references to shows that me and my friends enjoy. If you find them, feel free to comment!)


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