Competitive-Kageyama Tobio (2)

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"What are you doing here!" He shouted. It wasn't really a question, though it was likely supposed to be one.

"This is my school, dumbass!" You snapped back. "If you're so good, why are you even here? We're not good at volleyball!"

   "That's—! Shut up, moron!"

   "Kageyama?" One of the boys asked from around the corner asked. You both stopped and looked back. The red haired boy had peaked around first, with the silver hair boy making his way around a moment later. "What's going on?"

   "Who's this?" The silver haired one asked.

The two of you looked at each other, mildly unsure what to say. After all, neither of you had really introduced yourselves. You had just learned his name is Kageyama from this kid shouting for him. You hadn't even meant to get mad had you met him again, but the first thing you did was yell at him.

"Um..." You said. "Who are you...? And why do you care...?"

God, now I'm just trying to piss everyone off.

"I'm Hinata Shouyou!" The red head told you. "I'm going to play on the volleyball team this year!"

"Wait, are we actually good for volleyball...?" You muttered.

"Well..." the silver haired boy muttered. "Not really. I'm Sugawara Koushi, by the way."

"L/n Y/n," you said. You glanced over at the ravenet next to you, but it seemed he wasn't too keen on saying his name. Though, Hinata said Kageyama, so that must be it.

"Wait, like the one on our basketball team?" Sugawara asked you. You nodded curtly. He must have been at least a second year.

"Wait, Sugawara~san!" Kageyama said. "You know her?"

"Not personally," he said. "But last year she became probably the best player on the team, in the short time she played. The school had her on a lot of the advertising for the games. How do you know her, Kageyama?"

His surprised expression flattened into a neutral one. "Well..."

You sighed. "He barged into the gym I was practicing at and tried to take it."


"What? There were no others that had space! She was by herself," he said. You looked over at the vending machines. You didn't feel like starting an argument over it again. But you were also too stubborn to apologise with people next to you, so you stayed silent.

"Wait, so you play basketball?" Hinata asked, taking your attention away from the bread behind the window. "Are we any good?"

You nodded. "We've gotten pretty far into nationals every year for the last while, I think."

"Cool!" Hinata said. "So you've played at nationals? I can't wait until we make it to nationals!"

You smiled at him. "I'm sure you guy's will do great. It was nice meeting you two, but I really should make it back to class. You should too." You sent one more glare at Kageyama and walked back into the building.

When you made it back to class, you slammed your lunch on the desk. Remi flinched at the noise. You sat down and dropped your head onto the desk with a groan.

   "So...what happened...?" Remi asked.

   "That guys here."

   "Wait, really?"

   "Yup. And I ran into him. Literally..."

   Remi sucked in air through her teeth. "You blew up at him, didn't you...?"

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