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Chapter one
"New roommates."

Godolken university was a place for any super, being around since 1965 and it was a family and at the lamplighter school of crime fighting it had produced every top ten ranking student for the past thirty years who have gone onto protect Americas greatest cities, although if you haven't been living under a rock you know that's the complete opposite with the information of the deep having come out thanks to starlight as some freak who like's to force himself on women and then not long after that queen Maeve ending up dead only just last year and starlight quitting the seven before that.

But even with all that new students were still arriving and Maddie was lucky enough to be getting two of them as her new roommates, which was why she was quickly cleaning up her room putting Andre's bong and weed stash he had left in a drawer in her room along with throwing away the empty bottles of alcohol that her and her friends had drank all of just last night, which seemed just in time before her first roommate arrived as someone knocked on the closed door and opened it, Maddie quickly spun around, coming face to face with two blondes pulling in a cart of stuff.

"Oh, ha ha! You must be Madison!" the older of the two voiced as Madison forced a smile "it's Maddie actually, Madison's just what's on my birth certificate." she told them "well, I'm Tiffany and this here is my daughter Emma." Tiffany shared, motioning to the blonde behind her, in which Maddie looked to her and when she did, the girl seemed almost embarrassed that her mother was speaking for her "well, it's nice to meet you both then." she shared, as Tiffany turned to her again "ooh, so what do you do? Cause my Emma here can get really small. You probably know her from her channel..." she was rambling.

As Emma quickly cut her off "mom, mom, you don't have to.." she was telling her, while Maddie then jumped in "I um have a sonic scream and strong durability which makes me good at fighting." she shared "wow, so you must be ranked high. Emma probably would never get that high.." Tiffany was telling her, and when she did, Emma quickly interrupted her "okay, mom, I got it from her." she quickly told her "okay. Okay." Tiffany told her, walking toward's Maddie "it was so nice meeting you." she told her "you too.." Maddie told her, but when she did Tiffany pulled her into a hug, in which Maddie looked to Emma with raised brows as Emma looked at her with wide eyes.

Tiffany then sighed "alright, I'll leave you girls alone then." she said, pulling away, she turned around walking out of there, and as she did, Maddie followed her out, looking down the hallway and making sure she was fully gone before she turned back around clearing her throat "is she..is she always like that?" she asked, as Emma let out a breath "yep." she told her, as Maddie grimaced "wow." she told her "yeah." Emma told her, keeping her hands to her sides, and Maddie recognized those signs right away, having used to be the shy uncomfortable girl.

"So, do you want help unpacking? Cause you can take either the left or right side? But trust me, um..I've been told that besides my mattress that one.." she told her, pointing to the one to her right "is the most comfortable." she added on, in which Emma turned around chuckling, she walked toward's it and climbed onto it and as she did, she nodded "yeah, yeah, I totally get that." she told her, making Maddie chuckle, but when she did something then could be heard rustling in the bin and when it did Maddie quickly jumped back.

And when she did, Emma quickly jumped off the bed "don't..don't be scared it's just my pet." she told her, as Maddie raised her brows "your pet?" she asked, and when she did, Emma quickly stuck her hand in the bin and pulled out a cage showing some kind of rodent "this is my gerbil David Curoso." she told her "wow. I've seen people bring a lot of things and normally it's not pets unless they can turn into one or enjoy that sort of thing but you know everyone's into what their into." Maddie shared.

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