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Chapter two

"Socializing is a good thing."

The next morning, Maddie had gone to get coffee with Marie and Emma but as they did, Marie was telling them about the guy who was running around campus last night and how she stopped him along with Andre, where the guy they were chasing seemed to be fast on his feet but not super speed fast and be able to throw security guards off him like they were nothing "so then security just dragged the kid off? So fucking crazy. And you didn't film it." Emma shared.

Making Maddie chuckle "is everything about views for you? I mean how do you see that happening and decide to pull out your phone rather than help?" she asked "exactly, I had other stuff on my mind." Marie shared "yeah, but you could've gotten a million likes. I wish I got attacked." Emma shared, as Maddie huffed "no you don't." she told her, and as she did, Emma stopped "oh, come on. They live on our floor." she told them, going to walk over to the kids sitting at the table in front of them.

But Maddie and Marie didn't move, as Emma turned to them "hey, performing arts won't be so bad. Just..try and make friends like a normal human." she told Marie, as Marie chuckled softly, Maddie then smiled "um, how about we catch up with you? I wanna talk to Marie about something." she told her "okay. Yeah." Emma told them, as she turned walking off to the table, Marie then huffed "thanks." she told her, while Maddie turned to her "hey, I can tell the signs when someone doesn't exactly want to mingle seeing as freshman year that was me so.." she told her.

"And I noticed that you were ranked number eight? But I don't get that seeing as you literally can do a sonic scream and have durability, I mean I saw your kick toward's golden boy you almost got him." Marie shared, as Maddie chuckled "yeah, well, we all have our secrets right?" she asked her and when she did Marie looked at her with furrowed brows, having not thought others would have secrets "yeah." she told her, as she nodded "but I also was wondering if you could help me understand why I was rejected from the intro class. Cause I was told that they don't have space for everyone and that just because I don't have an insta I'm not making it, what the hell is that about?" she asked.

Making Maddie huff as she leaned her head back "that means you've met Jordan." she said "yeah, Jordan Li, I thought he was supercool being ranked number two but now that I've actually met them..they're.." Marie was telling her, as Maddie chuckled, bringing her head back down to look at her straight on "annoying?" she asked her, and when she did, Marie raised her brows "yes!" she voiced, and as she did, Maddie shook her head "that's just who they are. They're his.." she was saying, as her and Marie then said the same thing "TA." and when they did the two of them started laughing.

Where Marie then looked at the table behind them "and from the look of that, this shit is very, very not me." she told her, as Maddie turned around "yeah, the performing art kids are kind of strange they think they are better then the rest of us cause they get movie contracts and tv spots." she told her, in a valley girl voice, making Marie laugh "but we're superheroes. Do you really think she wants to be one of them?" she asked, as the two watched Emma mingle "well, I guess when your tiny there's not exactly many options. Plus if anything it might just be some weird sex thing." Maddie told her, turning and looking at Marie with raised brows and when she did, Marie looked at her with a look like if she was serious or not.

In which Maddie then quickly changed the subject "hey, um how about I help you try and figure out where your classes are? I mean I'm gonna have to look at a map to do so but.." she trailed off as Marie then hit her in the arm, making Maddie chuckle "fine. Fine. I won't make fun, especially knowing it's Jordan's fault. I'll stop." she told her, as the two began to walk off toward's one of the directories throwing their empty coffee cups out on the way.

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