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Chapter six

"All we do is sit in silence."

Not long after Luke had ended his own life, not only did students quickly disperse but police had been called over along with medical services, where Andre had still be holding Maddie in his arms as two officers pointed over at him "we got one over here!" they called out as a paramedic came walking over, the man tried to grab Maddie from Andre's arms but he quickly snapped his head up, glaring at the women as she held her hands up "whoa, hey, hey, I just wanna check on her." she told him and when she did, Andre took a deep breath, knowing he needed to make sure she was still alive.

In which he took her out of his arms, putting her on the ground, the paramedic quickly looked down, pulling out her flashlight, opening Maddie's eyes and shining the light into it checking for dilation "and she passed out?" she asked, looking to Andre, as Andre quickly nodded "yeah, yeah, um..Luke he..and she screamed and..and she..she screamed and then her body just..I don't know. I'm not the doctor!" he voiced, getting frustrated "okay, okay.." the paramedic told him, bringing her hand down to Maddie's pulse which was steady "well her pulse is steady so she should hopefully.." she was telling Andre as Maddie gasped awake.

Where Andre let out a breath, as he moved his hand through his hair "Jesus, Mads." he said, but as he did, Maddie looked at the women above her, as she let out a breath "I'm..I'm okay." she told her sitting up "you sure? Your friend said you fainted. We could take you to the hospital?" the women was asking her "no, no, I'm..I'm fine." Maddie told her, looking down at the blood and guts that not only seemed to litter her entire body but the pavement all around them, in which the women stood up and walked off leaving Maddie and Andre.

As Andre sighed, not even knowing where to start "Mads, how about I.." he was saying as Maddie quickly interrupted him "if you wanna go, go." she snapped at him, not even looking in his direction, and Andre understood why she being like this, hell he himself was upset, angry and confused yet the one thing that had crowded his mind was if she was okay but now that she was, everything else began to flow into him like a dam breaking as he looked at her and how she along with himself and anyone who was standing around her was covered in their friend's guts and blood along with the pavement they were sitting on.

And when night fell, the clean up crew got to work on scrubbing the pavement and power washing the blood off of it, although Maddie still hadn't moved, where even one of the men had sprayed her with the hose, causing the blood of her departed friend to come down from her head and down her face and chest, where Marie sat on the ledge watching her sit there remembering how all Luke wanted in his last moments was her, yet she wasn't the only one cause Jordan who was in they're female form was getting they're head injury taken care of by a paramedic as they looked over at Maddie but then to the dozens of other students standing by an entrance looking on or even worse taking photos or videos of the aftermath.

Andre was there still, having moved away from Maddie, he had cleaned the blood off himself, sitting away from everything, he hadn't moved his eyes from her until he looked to Marie and noticed her playing with a piece of Luke's blood which she quickly tossed away when he noticed, where he then looked back at Maddie.

And when he did, he noticed Cate running up yet when she noticed Maddie with blood all over her and sitting around it all, as guys and hasmat suits scrapped Luke off the pavement and into a bucket, she froze, but managed to walk toward's Maddie with shaky legs falling down next to her and putting her arms around her, the two having not been super close like they were there freshman year but right now, they both knew they needed each other again now that Luke was gone, where Andre got up from the lamppost he was sitting on and ran toward's them, crouching down to Cate, he put his hands on her shoulders as her and Maddie started to cry.

Maddie soon found herself basically on autopilot as she somehow found the strength to get up off the floor and head back to her dorm, although instead of going to her room, she headed to the bathroom and as she did, she didn't notice Marie having been following closely behind her, where when she noticed her not go into their room for extra clothes, she quickly walked over to it opening the door she quickly walked in and to Maddie's side of the room opening a drawer and seeing sweatpants she pulled them out along with a baggie shirt.

As Emma got up from her bed "oh, my god, I heard. Are you..is she..are you guys okay?" she asked and when she did, Marie looked at her "I need...I need help." she told her, as Emma furrowed her brows, Marie didn't explain and just started walking back out the door and as she did, Emma quickly turned following after her, down the hallway, Marie then turned going into the bathroom as Emma followed her "um..okay, what are we.." she went to ask her, but instead she got her answer when her and Marie stopped walking in front of a shower looking down at Maddie who was sitting in the shower with water falling down on her.

"Oh.." Emma said, and as she did, she realized what she meant by her needing help, stepping into the shower, she turned it off, as she crouched down to Maddie, taking off her white long sleeve shirt that was now stained with blood as Marie walked up, putting the baggie shirt over it instead, while Emma moved taking Maddie's boots off her feet, none of them were saying anything, the two then took off Maddie's jeans as they then both helped her off the floor, Marie crouched down putting one of her feet into the sweatpants as Emma held her up right, Marie then put her other foot in as she then pulled them up.

The two let out a breath, Marie put Maddie's arm around her shoulder and began walking out as Emma quickly collected the bloody clothes and followed the two, throwing them in the garbage on her way, as they headed back through the hallways a few people were still lingering, as Emma quickly opened the door letting Marie walk in with Maddie, she quickly followed in behind, making sure the door was locked behind them.

And when she did, she then let out a breath "okay, I wasn't too sure what you guys were into so I packed the bong." she shared, turning and going to the fridge while Marie put Maddie into her bed, having a feeling like she was gonna beat herself up over this more then she already was "A train beer. Translucent vodka. I mean, honestly, if you want the harder stuff, just give me an hour, I can pull I together. I am with you guys." Emma told them, grunting as she picked something up "you two pick. Any of it." she added on, shutting the fridge as she held a can in her hand "should we do all of it? We should do all of it shouldn't we?" she asked.

As Marie turned to her "Emma. You're sweet. Thank you for helping me with Maddie, but clearly she's in some kind of comatose state and won't be drinking anything or even talking clearly. And after what I said to her, she hates me. And honestly I said it was her fault, but in all honesty, it's mine! Getting swept up in all this shit." she told her "oh." Emma said "I promised myself I'd keep my head down, work my ass off. No room for anything else." Marie told her, walking toward's her bed "it's the first day tomorrow." she told her, taking her hoodie off "I'm gonna get some sleep." she told her, climbing into bed.

And as she did, Emma looked to Maddie, seeing her staring at the window, she then climbed into her bed, turning off the tiny lamp, she then laid down, facing away from Maddie and Marie, Marie was looking away from both of them too.

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