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Chapter three

"Friendly heart to heart."

Having gotten ready it was now ten pm as Maddie was wearing boots, fish next leggings and a black skirt with a black top and a leather jacket, Marie was wearing black pants and a white shirt as the two walked toward's the crime fighting building, to Luke's car where Andre stood there smoking, wearing black pants and jacket with a white tee, while Luke was there in a light blue suit with Cate standing next to him in boots, a black skirts, with a white long sleeve shirt with a black top over it and lastly next to her was Jordan in they're male form with they're hair pulled back and a red velvet suit jacket on.

And as the two walked up, Andre turned to them "oh! Told you." he said, as Luke turned around looking at the two "this is Marie, she's the one I was telling you guys about." Andre shared, as Maddie chuckled "yeah, um so you've clearly met Andre. And the one walking over to shake your hand is Luke but you know him more as golden boy." she shared, as Luke shook Marie's hand, Maddie then motioned to Cate "that's Cate." she told her, as Cate waved over, Maddie then sighed "and have already met Jordan." she shared, motioning to him.

"Yeah, we've met." Jordan said, with their usual amount of hostility "are you gonna reject me from this outing too?" Marie asked Jordan "I'd love to. I mean of course someone like you is friends with someone like her." Jordan said, looking to Maddie, causing her to furrow her brows "your starting this already?" she asked him, going to step toward's him, but as she did, Luke stepped in front of her "play nice or I will not share my drugs with you." Andre mentioned as he walked toward's the passenger door as Jordan laughed.

Andre opened the door, letting Cate get in first, Maddie was still glaring at Jordan from the part of them she could see from around Luke as Luke then put his hand on her shoulder, he looked to Maria "come on, we'll take my car." he told her, as Marie nodded, Luke then maneuvered Maddie around him to make sure her and Jordan kept away from each other, Marie followed right behind them.

But before they headed to the actual location for the night, they made a pit stop at seven tower, being all the way at the top of it, Maddie had climbed up a ladder followed by Maria as the two leaned against a railing overlooking the city, while below them Andre had put on some music as he had handed out cocaine which Cate, Jordan, Luke and Andre were all participating in, although Maddie's attention soon was pulled away from the skyline as she heard the ladder creaking she saw Luke climbing up, when he made it up, he held up a bottle like a gameshow host "you want some?" he asked.

And when he did, Marie also looked over "uh..no, thank you." she told him "all right. Mads?" Luke asked her, holding the bottle out to her and as he did, Maddie chuckled "your such a bad influence." she told him, taking the bottle "mm-hmm." Luke hummed, as Maddie took a sip of it "I can't believe I'm at seven tower." Marie told them "let me guess. You were six years old in a Maeve costume, just dreaming about making the seven." Luke guessed as he took the bottle back from Maddie "now I do. But no." Marie told them, as she inhaled deeply "I didn't even know I had powers until I was twelve." she added on.

Causing Maddie and Luke to look at her with furrowed brows "really?" the two asked "my parents gave me v as a baby. But it didn't hit till puberty." Marie shared, seeming to stare off into space "oh, they must've been excited." Luke told her, as Marie looked to them quickly, seeming to hesitate on her answer "thrilled." she told them, looking back out into the city "it's still the only thing my dad talks about. Brags about it to all the guys at his pickup games." she shared, as Maddie and Luke chuckled softly.

Marie then looked at them "I'm sorry. Uh...I'm lying. M..my parents. I don't know why I do that." she told them "that's the..that's the secret." she added on, looking at Maddie when she did, and when she did, Maddie let out a breath "well, remember how you asked about how if I have a sonic scream, why I'm not ranked higher and I said we all have our secrets?" she asked her "yeah.." Marie trailed off, looking at her with furrowed brows "well, that's because I'm not allowed to use it." Maddie shared and when she did, Marie just got more confused "why? I mean you would be like number three." she shared, chuckling.

"It's because I'm dangerous, I mean according to my parents, my mom has the same power and she said that even when I was baby and I'd cry it would break the glass and rupture peoples ear drums so I was given this necklace.." Maddie trailed off, grabbing onto it "which stops me from using it, because if I did I could actually hurt someone and that..that's just something nobody want's." she shared and as she did, Marie looked at her with sympathy while Luke noticed Maddie getting nervous as saw her tapped her finger nails against the railing, in which he found himself reaching his hand out and putting it on top of her's, making her stop.

Where Maddie turned and looked at him, and Luke seemed to already be looking at her, neither noticing how Jordan turned they're attention from Cate and Andre up to the three catching the two staring into each other's eyes, and they weren't the only one to notice as Marie who was only inches away from them watched the two, seeing the way Luke was looking at her, she knew fully well that he had a girlfriend but yet how he acted toward's her both from she saw yesterday and the past few moments she's seen of the two interacting tonight, she could tell he cared about her.

But it seemed both realized what they were doing, as Maddie looked away first, pulling her hand out from under Luke's, Luke then looked away from her too as he cleared his throat "my brother passed away." he told Marie, knowing Maddie knew this already "I'm sorry." Marie told him, as Luke nodded.

Marie then took a deep breath "that's, uh, why I'm here. At this school. For my sister. I want to..prove to her that I'm not.." she told them, trailing off, not being able to finish her sentence but Maddie and Luke could figure out what she was going to say, a monster.

In which Luke then looked to her "can I give you some advice? That you're not at all asking for?" he asked, chuckling "I don't think anyone ever asks, Luke." Maddie told him, chuckling, where Marie couldn't help but laugh with her "please." she told Luke, as he cleared his throat "being a hero is, uh.. It's not what you guys think. You know if either are you are really gonna do this make sure you do it for you." he said and when he did, Marie nodded, but Maddie found herself furrowing her brows, realizing that Luke was being cryptic again, having always thought that he wanted to be golden boy and that he enjoyed it, but maybe he didn't, maybe Maddie didn't know him as well as she thought she did.

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