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Chapter twenty one

"Getting payback." 

Having informed Marie of the plan, they all had headed back to campus and to Shetty's office, where Jordan was now in they're female form trying to break into Shetty's computer while Marie was flipping through something on her desk, Maddie was crouched searching through the drawers, where the computer beeped as Jordan sighed not being able to get in, Maddie then closed the top drawer which seemed to have the usual of just student files, but as she opened the bottom one there seemed to be just a bunch of junk papers but what caught her eye was the lip in the bottom of the drawer.

"What the fuck?" she asked, as Marie turned to her while Jordan got up from the computer and began searching through the other cabinets that Marie was looking through "I'm not sure." Maddie said, as she began to lift up the secret compartment, she noticed a file underneath it, seeming to have been kept away from anyone who would just walk in here as she quickly grabbed it and pulled it out, she shut the drawer and stood up, sitting down on the desk chair, Marie stood up and walked over to her right side, as Jordan turned to them "what's that?" they asked.

"Well, I'm seeing as she hid it away from anyone who would just come in here for school information. I'm hoping it'll give us the answers we came here for." Maddie shared, starting to flip through it as Jordan stood up, standing on her left side, them and Marie looking over it with her as Maddie furrowed her brows "although it looks to be about that plane? Transoceanic flight thirty seven opposed to anything about the woods." she informed them, not understanding why now that this would be so important seeing as it was solved.

"Yeah, I remember that. It was terrorists, right?" Jordan asked "yeah, that's what they said." Marie told them "which was why supes were able to be apart of the military again." Maddie mentioned, as she began looking at the list of victims, she flipped to the next page but as she did, two names caught her eyes "um, someone..someone tell me if this is good or bad?" she asked "what?" Jordan asked, as Maddie put her finger on the two names "because two of the victims on the this flight were Lily Shetty age eleven and and Paul Shetty age forty six." she shared "her family was on that plane." Jordan realized.

As Marie reached her hand down, grabbing a clipped together file where as she flipped it, it seemed to show her a picture of a government facility, but as she looked at it, the door to the office then beeped, as Maddie quickly grabbed the file as Marie ducked down going under the desk, Jordan grabbed Maddie around the waist and pulled her down with them, where as they sat underneath it, she was in they're lap as the two of them faced Marie, hearing the person sigh as they came in "oh, Shetty, Shetty, Shetty. You want me to increase the viral infection rate. Right." Dr Cardoza said, seeming to drink something, as the three of them looked at each other with furrowed brows, wondering what he meant by infection rate.

As the sound of a bottle being put down filled their ears, footsteps then followed as Maddie found herself holding onto Jordans hand afraid of what would happen to them if they got caught "kill them all, she says. And sign my own death certificate." Dr Cardoza said, as he went silent again, as they then heard a bottle be picked up right next to the desk seeing that's where Shetty's bar was in her office, he soon sighed as they heard something be put down, they then heard unzipping as Marie turned her head and looked out seeing Dr Cardoza peeing into Shetty's jar of alcohol, as she quickly turned her head back in.

The bottle then sounded like it was put back down "how about..you take a long drink, of that, Indira." Dr Cardoza said, as footsteps could be heard again, something was thrown down onto the desk "you fucking cunt." he said, as footsteps could be heard again and when they heard the door open and close, the three all let out a breath they were holding in "what did he say about infection rate?" Marie asked, as Maddie scoffed "nothing good. Which means we need to go, now!" she voiced, letting go of Jordans hand and getting out of they're lap as she crawled out from under the desk, followed by Marie and Jordan.

Walking on campus, Marie was trying to get a hold of Cate but like Maddie and Jordan had tried telling her, she wasn't getting a response "shit. Still no word from Cate." Marie shared "not surprising." Jordan told her, as Maddie chuckled "we can't trust her!" she voiced "oh, come on, maybe we should check on her." Marie mentioned "there's no time. Got to find Neuman and tell her what we know." Jordan shared, as the three soon came to a stop where the conference was being held seeing two officers standing in front of the doors "any chance either of you know a teleporter?" Marie asked "why so we can end up in there with no clothes on.." Maddie was asking her, but as she did, she looked across the way, seeing Justine Garcia but as she did, she noticed her necklace around her neck.

As she recalled back to the night where she was attacked having had it ripped from her neck before she got her hand stabbed into and then remembering how earlier after she had exposed Emma when she attacked her, she thought back and realized she had looked at her necklace "oh my god." she then said, realizing who attacked her, as Marie furrowed her brows "what?" she asked and when she did, Jordan looked over to where Maddie was, seeing Justine and how she was wearing Maddie's necklace "motherfucker." they said as they began to walk forward.

"Jordan, what are you doing?" Marie asked them "getting payback." Jordan told them, recalling how this girl even had been filming them and Maddie the night at the party, in which Maddie huffed "Jordan, no! Don't be stupid!" she voiced, following after them, leaving Marie on her own, but Jordan didn't listen to her "hey." they called out, as Justine turned to them "you fucking attacked, Maddie, leaving her to die." Jordan shared, as Justine looked to Maddie "no, no, no, no." she sighed "I just wanted you to stop hid.." she was telling her as Jordan leaned forward ripping the necklace off her neck and then punched her in the face.

Making Maddie's eyes go wide "Jordan!" she voiced, as Justine fell to the ground spitting out blood, she turned back to them with a broken jaw but it quickly fixed itself, Jordan then turned to Maddie "seriously? Maddie, she tried to kill you!" they voiced, as Maddie saw a girl coming up behind them, she shoved Jordan out of the way, the girl was going to use her laser eyes as Maddie then screamed at her, sending her flying back and then as two students came at her, Jordan got up and used their forcefield on them sending them flying back as the two of them stood back to back.

Not noticing the girl filming them until they heard her voice "look at that, Madison Amsel and Jordan Li attacking they're own kind. Say goodbye to number one and number five." the girl said, but as she did, Maddie turned to her and screamed, causing the girls phone to crack and the girl herself to fly back and as she did, a girl then ran up behind Maddie throwing her to the floor "and here I thought you were a brilliant fighter!" the girl voiced, as Maddie pushed herself off the ground "try that again and I'll snap you like a pencil!" she voiced, as the girl threw a punch at her, Maddie ducked underneath it grabbing her arm and breaking it as she then swung her into one of the guys who was attacking Jordan.

"Hey! Break it up!" an officer yelled as Maddie and Jordan smirked at each other "I have to say, I am enjoying the new and improved Maddie." Jordan told her, making Maddie chuckle, where as someone came running at them the two turned in which Maddie used her sonic scream while Jordan used their forcefield causing them to fly off, but as the students all began fighting each other, Jordan lunged forward grabbing Maddie and throwing her hood over her head as they began leading her away, Jordan turned into they're male form to not be noticed by the officers.

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