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Chapter eight

"Someone speak the truth."

Having quickly change out of her dress and boots, Maddie had put her hair in a ponytail and jeans and a long sleeve pink shirt on as she quickly headed off to her class, and when she was walking down the hallway to where the class was located she spotted Jordan in they're female form as she quickly picked up her pace "Jordan, Jordan!" she called out, yet Jordan wouldn't stop as she quickly grabbed their hand and when she did, she felt them tense under her, as Jordan turned to her with a glare "what?" they asked her.

As Maddie furrowed her brows, she let go of them "I just..I wanted to apologize for taking your number two spot and even for Andre taking number one, cause we or I may have calmed him down but it was you who fought him, I mean Marie didn't even do anything I don't even understand why she's on the list." she told them, yet they were still showing no emotion "I mean, come on! No..no kiss my ass or screw you for taking your spot?" she asked, throwing her arms out, and when she did, Jordan chuckled, reaching their hand out and shoving her playfully in the shoulder and as they did, Maddie stumbled back.

In which Jordan chuckled, turning and walking into class, leaving Maddie confused "what the hell?" she questioned, following after them into the classroom, and as she did, Andre was already in there along with Cate and a few other students, as Maddie found her seat in the one that was behind what should've been Luke's next to Andre in front which was kept empty as she found herself staring at it, as they're new teacher walked in.

Which happened to be Dean Shetty, as she started talking "professor Brinkelhoff died the same way he taught. A hero. He molded the lamplighter school of crimefighting into the shining exemplar it is today. Nobody could possibly replace him, so..I will. Or at least I'll try. We will cover everything Brink would cover, but we'll also get into the intersection of superpowers and mental health, which was my dissertation." she was telling them, as the door to the classroom opened, they all turned their heads seeing Maria standing there "oh. Marie." Dean Shetty said.

"Sorry I'm late." Marie told them as she shut the door "I'm Dean Shetty. It's a pleasure to meet you. Please, take a seat." Dean Shetty told her, as Marie walked in, Maddie quickly picked up her book bag and threw it down onto the seat that would've been Luke's, keeping other's from sitting there in which Andre looked to her along with Jordan and Cate "we're letting Ms Moreau audit the junior year classes." Dean Shetty shared as she looked at Marie who found her seat "what you, Andre and Maddie did, well, it's obvious you belong here." she told her, as Marie chuckled softly, Maddie rolled her eyes as she began to play with her necklace, feeling that same pain in her body like she wanted to scream, to tell everyone what really happened that Jordan fought him while her and Marie ran and all she really did was calm him down from possibly hurting anybody else.

Where when class was over, Maddie watched as Marie got up to walk out and as she did, Maddie quickly stood up, walking down and grabbing her bag and following after her and as she did, Jordan seemed to get up following after her, where Maddie seemed to keep up with Marie even with her short legs as she followed her outside "what the hell was that? Letting the dean of the school think your some superstar? You didn't do fucking anything, you and I ran while Jordan stayed back and fought Luke and even after that I'm the one who brought him down from his supposed psychotic break! You and even Andre barley did anything!" Maddie voiced, continuing to follow Marie who didn't even look at her.

As Maddie didn't even realize Jordan was right behind her "I'm taking whatever they give me." Marie her, making Maddie groaned "are you fucking kidding me right now? Do you even get why they're even choosing you two idiots rather then actually focusing on who did the fighting?" she asked, as Marie stopped turning to her and when she did, Jordan then spoke up "cause bigender doesn't play in Jacksonville." they shared, as Maddie turned and looked at them "yeah, I'm not exactly the fan favorite down there either." Marie shared "so you're fine just fucking me over." Jordan told her.

"Because that's what she does!" Maddie voiced, throwing her hands out "look, I get this sucks for both of you, but, Jesus Christ, you rejected me from this school. Remember?" Marie asked Jordan as she looked to Maddie "and you..you're hiding what you really can do and have everyone fooled. I mean did Vought even give you that necklace or is it cause mommy and daddy are afraid of you." Marie told her, and when she did, Maddie huffed, turning to her "shut up!" she voiced "and then I almost got expelled covering for your high and coked up asses. I don't owe you two or anyone anything. Everyone just need's to leave me the fuck alone." Marie told them, turning to leave.

But as she did, Maddie reached her hand out to stop her, but as she did, Jordan reached they're hand out to her, stopping her, and when they did, Maddie looked at them confused "what are you..we have to knock some sense into her! Literally, if we have to!" she voiced, turning to leave and follow Marie but as she did, Jordan's grip on her changed as they pulled her back with more force, Maddie stumbled back as she turned to them, seeing they had changed into they're male form "look, Brink didn't care what I looked like, as long as I was the best." they told her, as he they then looked down "I mean, after Luke." they said.

Looking back up "but now that they're both gone, I go back to not existing. So she's right. She doesn't owe me shit. But you..you know what it's like to be a nobody before you became friends with Luke and Andre." they told her, causing Maddie to furrow her brows "how the hell do you know that?" she asked them, having never really had any friends besides Cate before the two of them and she swore, she had never seen Jordan till the day she first hung out with Luke and Andre "it doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm asking you." Jordan told her "why me?" Maddie asked them.

"You're getting interviewed by Hailey Miller, right? Just tell her the truth about what I did. That's all." Jordan told her, as Maddie sighed "but if I go off script like Starlight did at that Christian retreat where she exposed the deep. I'm not gonna become some spokes women for the people. I'll.." she told him, struggling to put together what could actually happen to her, as she huffed "I don't know exactly! But it'll be bad!" she voiced "yeah, but like what happened with starlight, you're live on camera, whatever story you tell them, they have to run with. That's what Brink always said." Jordan told her, making Maddie scoff "god, are and Luke like Brink fortune cookies or something!" she voiced, pulling her arm out of they're grasp as she turned walking off, leaving Jordan standing there watching her go.

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