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Chapter seventeen

"It's all gonna be okay." 

Having split up, Marie had gone with Cate to look for Andre while Maddie went with Jordan all four of them looking over campus for Rufus, where Maddie and Jordan were walking in complete silence that awkwardness coming back to them from earlier now that they were alone together, Jordan then looked to Maddie "look, I know this is a fucked up situation, but..I just want to say it doesn't need to be weird." they told her, as Maddie looked to them, furrowing her brows "I kind of think it's weird, I mean this guy seems to have attacked me twice now and for who we know could've attacked me that night of the Hailey Miller interview." she shared.

"B..between us, I mean." Jordan told her, and when they did, Maddie raised her brows "oh!" she voiced, looking away from them "no, you don't..you don't need to say or do anything. Cause that scumbag mind raped us. And we weren't acting like ourselves." Jordan shared, as Maddie furrowed her brows "is that..is that just about the um, the sex thing? Because we also were making out at the party and like you said our bodies remember and I don't really recall hating it.. " she trailed off, but as she did, Jordan then said "it's all good. It's cool. We're cool." they told her.

And as they did, Maddie took a deep breath "right, yeah, I guess we'll just go back to, um..hating each other then since we're cool." she told him, although before Jordan could respond to that, he saw Rufus "motherfucker." they said, feeling that rage return from just seeing his face "there's Rufus." they said "and with Dean Shetty which according to that guy Sam who seemed to know us it could be bad." Maddie shared "let's find out." Jordan said, going to walk forward as Maddie reached her hand out stopping them "whoa, are you crazy? We can't just go over there and beat him up in front of a teacher! What if we get suspended or he wipes us again?" she asked.

As Jordan turned to her "what? Maddie, he hurt you, twice! Possibly three times! And we have him and you just wanna let him go?" they asked her "yeah, well I don't trust Dean Shetty, she could be in on it and something bad could happen to us if she found we were searching for our missing memories." Maddie shared as Jordan stared into her eyes, Maddie quickly turned away knowing from what they said that she basically meant nothing to him and as she did, she saw Rufus running off with no Dean Shetty as she then took her hand off Jordan and ran after him as Jordan quickly followed her.

And they were right on his heels as Rufus turned around looking at them as he turned back continuing to run, he then turned the corner going through a giant group of students, they then were all in Maddie and Jordans way as the two shoved them out of the way "whoa, watch it!" a guy voiced "what the fuck?" a girl asked, as the two continued running but as they did, they found Rufus talking to two people, in which the two turned looking at each other and then walking toward's him.

"What the fuck did you do to us, you piece of shit?" Jordan asked "what do you have going on with Dean Shetty?" Maddie asked as she crossed her arms "um.." Rufus told them, turning to leave but as he did, Maddie grabbed his arm, but as she did, they changed from Rufus into Benny as Maddie let him go "Benny! What the fuck, man?" Jordan asked him "Rufus, gave me twenty bucks to take his shape. I don't fucking know." Benny shared "then why'd you fucking run?" Maddie asked him "cause you were chasing me!" Benny voiced, as he turned walking off "you've gotta be kidding me." Maddie said, as she looked at Jordan, Benny turned back "you know, I'm allowed to do it when I have permission, man." he said, as the two looked at him, Benny then turned walking off.

Where as her and Jordan then parted way's, Maddie headed to Cate's dorm room in which she opened the door, and scoffed "do you have something to drink? Please tell me you do cause I don't think I can have this conversation sober!" she voiced, walking toward's Cate's fridge and opening it, seeing vodka, she sighed, grabbing the bottle and opening it, downing some of it, Cate looked at her with wide eyes "um, Mads..what's..what's going on?" she asked, getting up from her bed, as Maddie turned to her "other than that I've been brain wiped? Well, let's see um, Jordan who I hate woke up next to me naked and I also was naked and I'm hoping that we didn't have sex because that is not how it would happen but even more then that I start telling them that I didn't hate kissing them seeing as even though my mind doesn't remember it and I saw it in that video that my body remembers the feeling and I didn't hate it. But what do they say?" she asked, drinking from the bottle.

As Cate looked at her worried "what did Jordan say?" she asked her, as Maddie brought the bottle down laughing "they..they said we're cool! Like what the fuck does that mean? So are we gonna go back to hating each other again, I mean do they not like me?" she asked, feeling tears well up in her eyes "I mean, I've never had a relationship ever! And the moment I feel some kind of feelings for someone, they..they jump ship just like my parents clearly did handing me over to Vought for them to raise me." she shared, and as she did Cate shook her head "no, no, Mads!" she voiced, stepping toward's her, as Maddie took another drink.

"Trust me when I say that is not how Jordan feel's, okay? I mean did you ever really hate him?" Cate asked her, with raised brows and as she did, Maddie felt a tear fall down her face "I hate..I hate the way that they say my name because it's like they're mocking me! And I hate the way they're making me feel right now!" she voiced, drinking again "and I hate..I hate that I don't remember a lot of things cause I just feel so lost and it's..it's like nothing makes sense anymore." she shared, crying, and as she did, Cate's eyes went wide as she took the bottle from her "hey, hey." she told her, putting the bottle down.

"Maddie, Mads, look at me." Cate told her, turning back to her, putting her head in her hands "Mads, shh..hey, hey!" she voiced, as Maddie focused and looked at her "it's all gonna be, okay." Cate told her, and Maddie was so distressed that she didn't even notice that Cate had her gloves off, as everything for Maddie went black again as her body dropped to the floor as Cate looked down at her.

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