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Chapter sixteen

"Blacked out."

Lying in bed, in what wasn't either of their dorm rooms but seemed to be somebody's house, Jordan and Maddie both began to wake up but as they did, the door to the room they were in opened as Andre and Cate walked in "oh shit! I just.." Andre said as the two quickly cat up covering themselves with the blanket as they looked at the two "sorry, I just thought.." Andre was saying, but then he realized what was happening "wait did you two?" he asked, pointing between the two "we're sorry about that." Cate said as she began to usher Andre back out of the room, shutting the door.

"Uh.." Jordan then said, as Maddie nodded "yeah.." she said, as the two began to realize the situation they were in "okay, maybe, we um..we turn away from each other and just put back on our clothes?" Maddie suggested "yeah, sounds good to me." Jordan told her, as the two turned away from each other, the two grabbed they're underwear putting it on as they stood up, keeping their backs to each other, Maddie bent down and grabbed her bra putting it on "um, I..uh." Jordan began as they picked up Maddie's long sleeve shirt "I think this is yours." they told her, holding it out and making sure not to look at her.

As Maddie closed her eyes and reached her hand out, grabbing it "thanks." she told them as she quickly put it on and then bent down grabbing her jeans and putting them on while Jordan put their shirt on "are we all clear? Because I'd like to say the next thing while actually looking at you before I sound like a total fricking weirdo." Maddie shared "yeah." Jordan told her, turning around, Maddie turned around letting out a breath "I don't remember anything from last night." she shared, and as she did, Jordan let out a breath they were holding in glad it wasn't just them "oh my god. Neither do I." they shared "that's..that's good! But also really fucking bad." Maddie shared.

"Yeah." Jordan told her, bending down and grabbing they're long sleeve shirt to put over their t shirt while Maddie bent down and grabbed her jacket, she furrowed her brows "you don't think we actually had sex right?" she asked, as Jordan looked at her with furrowed brows, as Maddie quickly responded as her eyes went wide "not that I wouldn't want to have sex with you! It's just that I'm a..or was a virgin and honestly doing it and not being able to remember it is kind of fucked." she shared and when she did, Jordan raised their brows "yeah, I, um..I don't know. But like you said that would be fucked." they shared.

And as they did, Maddie turned grabbing her boots "if us and Andre and Cate are here. I should probably go check if Marie and Emma are here, too." she shared, feeling the awkwardness between her and Jordan sinking in, where it felt almost familiar like they had been caught in a situation like this before and she wasn't the only one who thought it was awkward, Jordan did to as they nodded "yeah, yeah and I'll go talk to Andre and Cate see what's going on." they told her "and then we'll check back in." Maddie told her, turning and heading out the door, leaving Jordan in there alone.

Although as she did, the hallway seemed to be just as gross as the room they were in only to be followed by sex noises filling the entire house as she grimaced "so gross." she said, as she turned heading down the steps, searching for Marie and Emma although when she made it downstairs and looked out into the patio she spotted a giant girl in the pool as she quickly ran out the back door, noting it was Emma and Marie seemed to be out there as well, sleeping on a pool chair "guys?" Maddie asked them, as Marie woke up, she then saw a big Emma as her eyes went wide, she quickly got up from the chair "Emma?" she asked as neither her nor Maddie knew Emma could get big.

 "I hate this fucking dream." Emma told them, as Maddie raised her brows "I hate to break it to either of you but none of this is a dream. All of it is very much real. And I know you guys might have a lot of questions but so do I." she shared, as Emma looked around her "okay, okay. Do a girl a solid and use your fucking strength to choke me out of my fucking misery?" she asked Maddie "no." Maddie and Marie told her "fine. Then find me a place to puke." Emma told them, as Maddie looked around them "well this entire house is a giant disgusting pile of garbage already so it might not be that hard." she shared, looking to Marie 'and I'm pretty sure there's some supes up in those rooms engaging in some sort of fucking herogasm!" she voiced, as Marie put her hands on her shoulders "okay, okay, let's..let's find Emma a place to puke then we can talk." she shared, leading her off to find one.

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