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Year 3010...

A nervous eighteen year old Min Yoongi was waiting for his best friend on the rooftop. He took deep breaths trying to stay calm for the big night. He had to confess this time. It shouldn't be that hard, right? He fixed his hair and took out some mints from his pocket. Just in case he got enough courage to kiss the boy. Honestly, he wanted to taste good enough to be kissed back.

- Psst, Yoongi! You there yet?

- Y-Yes! Let me help you!

Holding his hand, Yoongi helped Jimin climb up with him. That boy was like a dream for him. The dark hair, big eyes, full lips, chubby cheeks and the sweetest voice he ever heard in his life. Just by seeing him up close his heart was about to explode.

- I'm not late, am I? I had to escape my parents to get here

- I hope they don't call the police again

- Nah, they think I'm studying in my room. But fuck them honestly

Yoongi could hear the frustration in his voice and decided not to say anything else about it. They sat with their legs hanging from the edge of Yoongi's roof. It wasn't the first time they had a night like that. From that place they could see the whole city and most importantly they could see the space station. That night, more than one neighbor was looking at the same thing as them.

- They say the spaceship should take off in thirty minutes so we still have some time

- Thank God. For a moment I really thought I was gonna miss it...

- I would've recorded it for you, Jiminie...

Yoongi couldn't care less about that spaceship. All he wanted was to see Jimin smile for him. And there it was. His best friend had shiny eyes, staring at the ship ready to enjoy the view. Unable to stop himself, Yoongi took a picture of him.

- Cute.

- Hmm? A photograph again? Why do you like those vintage things? You could just ask an A.I. to create any picture you want

- Believe me, there's no Artificial Intelligence in this world that could be able to re-create your beauty.

Yoongi realized what he said and bit his tongue. He's never been good at hiding his feelings and if it wasn't because Jimin was absolutely oblivious he would've confessed a million times by now.

- You are always so weird, Yoongi

- Yeah...Oh! I got something to make this even better!

He pulled out an old cellphone and pressed play on a song that was hundreds of years old. Jimin closed his eyes for a moment enjoying the sound. Yoongi was always able to find him the best music in the world. Even if he could never understand what the hell the lyrics meant.

- Do you ever listen to the current music, Yoongi?

- Nah. Ever since we got an universal language the music became... different. I like the old music.

- Where every country talked in a different way? Sounds like torture

- And yet you're moving to the rhythm of this

Jimin shrugs and keeps enjoying the music while staring at the spaceship. For the younger, Yoongi's a total mystery. He has a strange love for worthless things and dead cultures. He's too emotional and gets easily attached to the old stories. But even if he can't understand him, denying he enjoyed his company would be a complete lie.

Meanwhile, Yoongi had no idea how he fell in love with a boy like Jimin. The younger always followed a logical way of thinking. Never understanding the emotional moments of people around him or even himself. And yet Yoongi couldn't imagine his life with anyone else but him.

- Jimin... Actually...I wanted to tell you something...

- I wanna tell you something as well.

Seeing the way Jimin hugged his own legs as he frowned, Yoongi encouraged him to go first. And the young boy had to take a deep breath before turning his head and staring straight into Yoongi's eyes.

- I don't care what people say, Yoongi. I don't care if they judge me or if they try to stop me

- M-Me neither! I don't care about the rest. As long as we have each other...

- I can't believe I'll finally say this out loud

- I know, I've been waiting so long. I lo-

- I wanna go to space.


- My parents think it's useless. All we do is look for answers outside our world. But I wanna go up there! I wanna be a captain, see the stars up close, meet the aliens in person and not through the TV...I know it sounds stupid but-

- It sounds incredible, Jiminie. If there's one person that could do all that and more it's you. I'm sure you'll be the best astronaut the world's ever seen...

Jimin felt his eyes get teary but looked away immediately. He hated getting emotional. But this was the first and only person that would support his dream. So avoiding his eyes, he took Yoongi's hand and stared back at the spaceship.

The countdown started and eventually they see it take off. Jimin's eyes followed that ship dreaming of the day he could be in one. Meanwhile, Yoongi's eyes stared at the boy next to him. He knew Jimin was going through enough right now. A confession was the last thing he needed back then so he decided to keep his feelings hidden a little longer. But even if that was his decision, he didn't let go his hand. Because he wanted to hold it for the rest of his life.

If only he knew nothing lasts forever maybe he would've confessed back then. Because now 10 years have passed and keeping Jimin close to him is not as easy as he thought it would be. Especially after the younger gets the mission he's been waiting for his entire life...

Next Chapter

I'll be back and we'll meet again

We were waiting for you, Seokjin


Hi babes ~ Starting this story with a little Yoonmin to have a soft start 💕 Until the drama comes, of course

I hope you're ready to meet Seokjin next time! Don't worry, the aliens won't take long in appearing 👀

See you soon for more and I hope you're ready for what's coming ✨

- Baby Y

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now