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Year 3010...

A 20 year old Jin stared at the huge spaceship from the space station's window. He was one of the few people who had the privilege to see it from up close. The only reason he got to be there was the fact that his big brother was part of the crew. To be specific, he was gonna be the captain of that huge white spaceship.

Jin wasn't a kid anymore and yet he couldn't help but feel defenseless. Something about that situation was giving him a bad feeling and he couldn't understand why. The man in charge of the space station took the mic ready to send his message to the world.

- This is not the first ship we send out and it won't be the last either. But it'll take us one step closer to what we need. We won't stop until we find a new planet where we can all live peacefully. One that will allow us to leave this earth that our past generations managed to destroy

Earth had evolved in many ways. Science being one the main bases of common life. But the environment...that was never the priority of the men in power. Not until it was too late. The water crisis was hard enough to get over. If it wasn't because of the science advance the human race would've died all together. But by the time they fixed it a new crisis was starting.

- Deforestation together with the contamination of the seas caused our quality of life to go down. The amount of oxygen in the air is less every year. But we believe there's hope! Out there we managed to find dozens of alien societies, hundreds of planets and it's only a matter of time until we can find a second earth!

- Look, son! There he goes!

Seokjin follows his mother's eyes trying to spot him. It takes him a few seconds to find him there. With a big smile on his face, Kim Heechul is preparing his helmet before entering the ship. By his side, the sub-captain Donghae who's also his brother's best friend is laughing by his side. The rest of the crew are close behind them ready for their mission.

And Jin can't stop his own feet from running towards them. Security tries to stop him but Heechul makes them a small signal for them to let him pass. He wouldn't mind one more hug from his little brother.

- Wait! Don't go! Can't you...can't you let someone else go in your place?

- Hey, come here Jin.

The two boys hugged. While the oldest was only trying to calm him down, something was telling Jin he shouldn't let his brother go. But as always, the kind voice of Heechul helped him relax.

- I know you'll miss me. But you need to stay here and take care of mum, okay? It'll only be 5 years!

- That's a lot...

- Maybe...But after that, I'll be back and we'll meet again.

- You promise?

- Of course! You'll be the first one I'll share my adventures with. We'll eat mum's cake again and play cards like we used to. And who knows? Maybe on the next trip you'll come with me!

Jin smiled and finally forced himself to let him go. And he pretended to be okay for the next minute. Until the spaceship disappeared into the distance and he allowed himself to cry. Because he knew he wouldn't be able to talk to him for years and all he could do was wait. He studied every night hoping his brother would come back like promised. But five years went by. And then five turned into seven...nine...now 10 years have passed and despite it all, he keeps waiting.

Currently (Year 3020)...

- Dr. Seokjin! We have someone from planet 134340! He's been sick ever since he landed on earth

- Let them in.

Jin carefully makes a check up on the creature. There's still humans on earth that think aliens are like animals and Jin is some kind of vet. But he's conscious that even if they're not human, they're still people. They have their own culture, habits, shapes and colors. Maybe they're not the same yet they're still equal.

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now